How to raise brave kids - that understand FEAR

Adrenalin (epinephrine) is a natural body chemical that causes our muscles to perform quicker resulting in more strength and a faster response. Associated with this adrenal dump is a release of dopamine to act as a natural pain killer. All this results in reactions like shaky knees or butterflies in the stomach and a strong feeling that you want to be somewhere else. All of which is simply interpreted as fear. This is quite natural and can result whenever placed under stress, from being required to speak in public to being threatened by someone.
We need to teach our children that these feelings are quite natural and everybody feels them at some time. What we need to learn and teach is the appropriate reaction. We have alternatives, we can ..
a) accept or deny the situation;
b) Be challenged or threatened;
c) Think out an action plan or simply stop thinking.
If the cause of your stress is public speaking then you will find that having a plan and practice will help you overcome the fear. FEAR - False Expectations Appearing Real. Similarly, training the body and mind can help you to accept the situation, be challenged and not threatened, and to preplan your actions when challenged in a physical confrontation.
Run through possible stressful situations with your children, work through with them to discover some solutions then practise some scenarios and prepare them for the future. Fear does not have to control us or our children when we know its secrets and prepare.