Other Martial Arts Activities for Kids in the Wollongong Region
New South Wales (NSW)
Best match results for other martial arts activities for kids in the Wollongong Region + 5km.
FIRST 2 STRIKE Freestyle Martial Arts A Free Flowing Fighting style, thats a powerful, fast, instinctual and effective form of Self Defence. First 2 Strike Freestyle Martial Arts, is a freestyle martial art that evolves with it's practitioners, and learns from the great arts such as karate, tae kwon do, boxing, kickboxing, muay thai, brazilian jiu jitsu, judo, and others, to create an effective and powerful Self Defence. First 2 Strike Freestyle Martial Arts is something unique and different;... Read more
Magotto Ryu is a Japanese style of Jiu Jutsu, which is the martial art developed by the Japanese Samurai. Learn how to fall safely, get up efficiently and defend yourself in almost any situation. We utilise joint locks, strikes, weapons defences, throws and ground fighting techniques. Begin your Martials arts journey here. Read more