Martial Arts Activities for Kids in the Grampians
South Western Victoria, Victoria (VIC)
Best match results for martial arts activities for kids in the Grampians + 5km.
Taekwondo Classes & Lessons
On a quest to be our best! Palace Martial Arts is a professional school which teaches Personal development through Olympic Taekwondo as multiple style of martial arts training for men and women, young and old by bringing mind and body to harmony. Classes are available through age specific groups from as young as 3 years of age and higher. Palace Martial arts is one of the leading schools in the south west victoria region with an award winning and down to eath international instructor who's goal... Read more
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South Western Victoria
- Ararat
- Armstrong
- Bahgallah
- Balmoral
- Bochara
- Bornes Hill
- Brimboal
- Brimpaen
- Brit Brit
- Bulart
- Bulgana
- Callawadda
- Campbells Bridge
- Carapook
- Casterton
- Cathcart
- Cavendish
- Charam
- Chatsworth
- Cherrypool
- Chetwynd
- Clear Lake
- Clover Flat
- Coleraine
- Concongella
- Condah Swamp
- Connewirricoo
- Coojar
- Corndale
- Crowlands
- Croxton East
- Culla
- Dadswells Bridge
- Deep Lead
- Denicull Creek
- Dergholm
- Dobie
- Dorodong
- Douglas
- Duchembegarra
- Dunkeld
- Dunneworthy
- Dunrobin
- Edenhope
- Englefield
- Eversley
- Frenchmans
- Fyans Creek
- Gatum
- Germania
- Glenisla
- Glenorchy
- Glenthompson
- Grampians
- Great Western
- Greens Creek
- Gringegalgona
- Gritjurk
- Halls Gap
- Hamilton
- Harrow
- Hensley Park
- Henty
- Hilgay
- Illawarra
- Jilpanger
- Joel Joel
- Joel South
- Jung
- Kadnook
- Kanagulk
- Kanya
- Karabeal
- Killara
- Konongwootong
- Laharum
- Lake Fyans
- Lake Lonsdale
- Lake Mundi
- Landsborough
- Landsborough West
- Langi Logan
- Langkoop
- Ledcourt
- Lindsay
- Longerenong
- Mafeking
- Maroona
- Melville Forest
- Merino
- Miga Lake
- Mirranatwa
- Mitre
- Mockinya
- Mooralla
- Morgiana
- Morrl Morrl
- Mount Cole
- Mount Cole Creek
- Mount Dryden
- Moutajup
- Moyston
- Muntham
- Nangeela
- Nareeb
- Nareen
- Narrapumelap South
- Navarre
- Noradjuha
- Norval
- Nurrabiel
- Paradise
- Paschendale
- Pigeon Ponds
- Pomonal
- Poolaijelo
- Powers Creek
- Rhymney
- Riachella
- Rocklands
- Rocky Point
- Roses Gap
- Rossbridge
- Sandford
- Shays Flat
- St Helens Plains
- Stavely
- Strathdownie
- Strathkellar
- Tahara
- Tahara Bridge
- Tahara West
- Tarrayoukyan
- Tarrenlea
- Tarrington
- Tatyoon
- Telangatuk East
- Tooan
- Toolondo
- Tottington
- Tulkara
- Vasey
- Victoria Point
- Victoria Valley
- Wail
- Wal Wal
- Wallaloo
- Wallaloo East
- Wando Bridge
- Wando Vale
- Wannon
- Warrak
- Warrayure
- Warrock
- Wartook
- Wattle Creek
- Wickliffe
- Willaura
- Willaura North
- Wombelano
- Wonwondah
- Wootong Vale
- Yulecart
- Zumsteins
South Western Victoria
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