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Martial Arts Activities for Kids - New Chum (4303)

the Ipswich Region, Queensland (QLD)

Best match results for martial arts activities for kids in New Chum + 5km.

    50% off Joining Fee + FREE Uniform!

    Take advantage of our special Kick-Start offer to receive 50% off the joining fee and a FREE uniform. Kids, Teens and Family classes available with discounts for families training together!

    Other related businesses in and around New Chum (within 20km)

    Taekwon-Do is a version of unarmed combat designed for the purpose of self-defence. It is more than just that, however. It is the scientific use of the body in the method of self-defence; a body that has gained the ultimate use of its facilities through intensive physical and mental training. It is a martial art that has no equal in either power or technique. Though it is a martial art, its discipline, techniques and mental training are the mortar for building a strong sense of justice, fortitude,... Read more

    Welcome to the team "Scott's ITF Taekwondo" (founder General Choi Hong Hi), defined as a fist, foot, art (Korean Marital Art of Self Defence). Classes are also kid safe in a friendly environment (cert. Blue Card). Dress in loose casual clothing, bring water bottle and towel. A class free trail. Benefits of ITF Taekwondo: Improve physical and mental health (wellbeing), Much happier with better concentration, better quality of life, less stress, improved flexibility and... Read more

    Sports Karate Schools

    Shotokan Karate Budokai is a full time studio with professional Instructors, separate classes for Adults and Children. The studio is open 6 days a week Read more

    Mount Crosby, Karana Down, Karalee. We provide our students with modern self defence techniques coupled with traditional taekwondo values. Classes Monday&Wednesdays 6-7pm. check us out on facebook! Read more

    Rhee TaeKwon-Do is a controlled contact, non-competition martial art that focuses on effective self-defense techniques and personalised training to help students achieve self-confidence, self-discipline, fitness and respect. Rhee TaeKwon-Do is Australia's First and Australia's Biggest TaeKwon-Do School, est. 1965.
 Class is on every Tuesday and Thursday from 6pm to 7pm. 
 Unlimited Free Trial and Family Discounts upon joining. World Master Chong Chul Rhee, founder of TaeKwon-Do in Australia... Read more

    Sports Judo Classes & Lessons

    Opening Hours: Monday -Thursday 5:30am - 9.30pm Friday 5:30am - 8:00pm Saturday: 7:30am - 6:00pm Sunday 8:30am - 12:30pm Read more

    7 day free trial

    We offer a Free 7 day trial of all our classes. So you are more than welcome to come try a class or classes, see what it's all about and make sure it's something you want your children to do.

    AUC teaches it’s students using traditional Taekwondo patterns in conjunction with a modernised curriculum and an emphasis on self-defence. AUC is open to all ages and fitness levels. The easiest way to join AUC is to attend one of our training sessions at either Springfield or Kallangur and speak directly to one of our instructors. You can join in on the night or simply watch, first 2 lessons are free. All information regarding fees, uniforms etc will be explained to you in full. Read more

    The Australian TaeKwon-Do Ki-DoKan International is associated to the (ITF-HQ Korea) this is the homeland of the International TaeKwon-Do Federation as founded by the late General Choi Hong Hi. Sabum Mr Edward Scott is a 4th dan Black Belt in the ITF taekwon-do system and is in preparation for his 5th dan Black Belt. He teaches the ITF system of taekwon-do to all beginners that include children and adults alike. The main focus is on the 5 tenants of ITF which is respect, perseverance, integrity,... Read more

    Kenmore is Bai Rui Taekwon-Do’s newest club located at Kenmore South State School. The instructors are Mr Tony Nguyen (3rd Dan Black Belt) and Ms Mel Brown (3rd Dan Black Belt). Both instructors are very active in their training, as members of the school demonstration team, and attend weekly squad sessions as well as regularly attending black belt classes, tournaments, seminars, testings and camps. They have trained under school founder Senior Master Charles Birch and other various Grand Masters... Read more

    50% off Joining Fee + FREE Uniform!

    Take advantage of our special Kick-Start offer to receive 50% off the joining fee and a FREE uniform. Kids, Teens and Family classes available with discounts for families training together!

    Bai Rui Taekwon-Do is one of Australia's premier TKD schools with multiple clubs throughout South East Queensland, South Burnett, Wide Bay and Canberra areas. The Ipswich club has operated for over 15 years, previously at Bundamba and offers people of all ages and abilities the chance to learn an effective form of self-defence in a friendly safe atmosphere. The club has a family feel which reflects the philosophies and principles promoted throughout the Bai Rui School. We teach traditional ITF... Read more

    50% off Joining Fee + FREE Uniform!

    Take advantage of our special Kick-Start offer to receive 50% off the joining fee and a FREE uniform. Kids, Teens and Family classes available with discounts for families training together!

    50% off Joining Fee + FREE Uniform!

    Take advantage of our special Kick-Start offer to receive 50% off the joining fee and a FREE uniform. Kids, Teens and Family classes available with discounts for families training together!

    Aiki Ten Shin Sho Kai has been teaching in Brisbane and Bristol since 1988. It is a traditional Japanese martial arts school based on the principle of Aiki or blending with energy. Both open hand and weapons forms are taught. The primary purpose of the School is to provide a vehicle for self transformation; a new way of 'seeing' through the practice of a martial discipline. It is not a sport nor a competitive art, so whilst it is extremely effective as a self defence, if you are after... Read more

    50% off Joining Fee + FREE Uniform!

    Take advantage of our special Kick-Start offer to receive 50% off the joining fee and a FREE uniform. Kids, Teens and Family classes available with discounts for families training together!

    Bai Rui Taekwon-Do teaches discipline, self defence, self control and much more. Train in a safe and supportive environment with highly-qualified instructors who are passionate about Taekwon-do and care for the individual needs of every student. Meet new friends and learn many self-defence techniques that will work for you, all while getting fit and becoming competent in an activity practiced worldwide. Bai Rui is one of the largest Taekwon-do schools in Australia. We teach ITF-style Taekwon-do... Read more

    World class Instruction. First class citizens. Teaching students of all ages self defence. Come check us out or call branch Instructor Aaron for more information Mixed class, adults and kids. There are no contracts, no competitions and not fights. All our sparring is done with controlled techniques, to ensure safety for all. We train twice a week, and only close for 4 weeks a year. A great way to meet others in the community and get involved in something with your kids. Family groups welcome. We... Read more

    Sports Taekwondo Classes & Lessons

    Classes held every day! Come along to one of our classes at the Spingfield community centre. We are a family based group with members from all ages. It's a great way to keep fit, increase confidence, gain self control and also self discipline not to mention all the fun to be shared along the way! Feel free to contact me for more info Kevin Donaldson Read more

    Shinkondo dojo teaches Aikido and Ki in a friendly and welcoming atmosphere. Beginners, visitors and practioners of other styles and martial arts are always welcome. Come along and take a class or just watch what we do. Check out our website for more details.Shinkondo Aikido Dojo runs general classes from 6:30-8:30pm Tuesday and Thursday nights. General classes are available to anyone from 12 years old and up. General classes are $15 per person, $10 per person for those under 18 and $10 each for... Read more

    Underground Gym is based in Ipswich at 203 brisbane street our gym provides something for all ages and fitness levels. It's just a 5 minute walk from Ipswich train station, so there's no reason not to try it! We have almost 70 years experience in martial arts and we are certified through Martial Arts Australia making students safer and better trained. Complete with blue card in first aid and trained resuscitation. We are a family owned martial art and fitness gym we are situated in Ipswich... Read more

    Come and try a FREE introductory class at GKR Karate Graceville and see why GKR Karate is Australia's largest martial arts club! GKR Karate promotes Karate for everyone, including children, men, women and families of all ages. Apart from the obvious development of self-defence skills, Karate training builds confidence, positive attitude, determination, focus, and of course fitness. Our karate classes at Graceville, Queensland, are taught by passionate instructors who are committed... Read more

    Welcome to Element Martial Arts in Brisbane Australia come in and try out Brazilian Jiu Jitsu or Mixed Martial Arts for bot kids and adults.  We are other wise known as Garra Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Darra, as students and teacher under the affiliation of Eduardo Dias.  We offer a Free trial for anyone that wants to give bjj a go.  We have parents come in with troublesome kids and we help improve the kids discipline and respect.  We look forward to seeing you soon.. Osss Monday - Wednesday... Read more

    50% off Joining Fee + FREE Uniform!

    Take advantage of our special Kick-Start offer to receive 50% off the joining fee and a FREE uniform. Kids, Teens and Family classes available with discounts for families training together!

    Sound Body, Sound Mind Australia's First, Australia's Biggest TaeKwon-Do School, est. 1965. World Master Chong Chul Rhee, founder of TaeKwon-Do in Australia is the chief examiner and conducts quarterly gradings with the students and instructors. All instructors are blue card accredited and are personally appointed by World Master Chong Chul Rhee. Class is on every Monday and Wednesday from 5pm to 6pm. Rhee TaeKwon-Do is a controlled contact, non-competition martial art that focuses... Read more

    Our friendly and experienced team are well versed in making all members (big or small) feel welcome so they can fee comfortable to start learning straight away. We teach a fun, balanced style that helps you grow physically and mentally while meeting new friends too. Our full time academies are centrally located in Toowong and Jamboree Heights in Brisbane. We also have part time academies in Fig Tree Pocket, Wavell Heights, Keperra, Kenmore, Mt Crosby and The Gap. Call us now to start your FREE week... Read more

    We are dedicated to bringing the physical - and mental benefits of martial arts to our community. Through classes geared for men and women of all ages, shapes and sizes, our school itself is a community of learning and growth. We'd love nothing more than for you to become a part of it. That way you too can enrich your life, learn self-defence, and get in great shape too. Together, these three elements lead to a happier, healthier life. Helping you succeed in martial arts is the only goal of our... Read more

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