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Martial Arts Activities for Kids - Mount Gravatt (4122)

Southern Brisbane, the Brisbane Region, Queensland (QLD)

Best match results for martial arts activities for kids in Mount Gravatt + 5km.

    50% off Joining Fee + FREE Uniform!

    Take advantage of our special Kick-Start offer to receive 50% off the joining fee and a FREE uniform. Kids, Teens and Family classes available with discounts for families training together!

    50% off Joining Fee + FREE Uniform!

    Take advantage of our special Kick-Start offer to receive 50% off the joining fee and a FREE uniform. Kids, Teens and Family classes available with discounts for families training together!

    The Sky Martial Arts Academy practices Korean martial arts: Taekwondo and Taegumdo. The main purpose of discipline in the Academy are Self-discipline, Self-development and Self-defence. The Academy called "Gong Do Gwan" in Korean provides all trainees with a strict but friendly environment where they can develop important values for life such as respect, courtesy, patience, confidence and positive thinking. The Sky Martial Arts Academy - The Sky Team won multiple prizes at the State, National... Read more

    Sports Martial Arts Academies

    Australia's leading self defence program's for children teens and adults. Chief instructor tom has over 10 years of experience teaching our quality self defence taekwondo program. Read more

    Hapkido employs joint locks and throwing techniques, as well as kicks, punches, and other striking attacks. Hapkido Brisbane is a family based club, with classes available for men, women children of all ages. You can train together as a family or join on your own. Read more

    Bai Rui Taekwon-Do has many clubs within South East Queensland, South Burnett, Wide Bay and Canberra areas. The Holland Park club has a strong focus on fitness and physical work, and caters for a wide variety of interests within the art of Taekwon-Do. Read more

    Focus Martial Arts Brisbane is a martial arts school that prides itself on outstanding martial arts lessons for kids, pre-schoolers, families and adults. Our Australian Champion martial arts Instructors love that they get to live their passion everyday, and make an impact on students and their families, as every martial arts class is packed with skill, character development & fun. Kids martial arts classes are available from 3 years of age in our specifically designed toddler martial arts program... Read more

    Other related businesses in and around Mount Gravatt (within 20km)

    50% off Joining Fee + FREE Uniform!

    Take advantage of our special Kick-Start offer to receive 50% off the joining fee and a FREE uniform. Kids, Teens and Family classes available with discounts for families training together!

    50% off Joining Fee + FREE Uniform!

    Take advantage of our special Kick-Start offer to receive 50% off the joining fee and a FREE uniform. Kids, Teens and Family classes available with discounts for families training together!

    Beginner's Special!

    If beginner's (new students) pay for three months in advance, they receive a free gi (uniform) and belt!

    50% off Joining Fee + FREE Uniform!

    Take advantage of our special Kick-Start offer to receive 50% off the joining fee and a FREE uniform. Kids, Teens and Family classes available with discounts for families training together!

    Gold Dragon Tai Chi Academy was founded by Masters Francis Choi and Cecilia Chow, and is an innovative academy of excellence in Australia which offers professional Tai Chi and Qigong training from Beginners to Advance Levels. Gold Dragon Tai Chi Academy is a professional Tai Chi Academy in Brisbane having two highly professional Tai Chi coaches and Tai Chi Judges officially recognised National-wide by both Australian Government and Australian Sport Commission. Masters, Francis and Cecilia, are... Read more

    50% off Joining Fee + FREE Uniform!

    Take advantage of our special Kick-Start offer to receive 50% off the joining fee and a FREE uniform. Kids, Teens and Family classes available with discounts for families training together!

    50% off Joining Fee + FREE Uniform!

    Take advantage of our special Kick-Start offer to receive 50% off the joining fee and a FREE uniform. Kids, Teens and Family classes available with discounts for families training together!

    50% off Joining Fee + FREE Uniform!

    Take advantage of our special Kick-Start offer to receive 50% off the joining fee and a FREE uniform. Kids, Teens and Family classes available with discounts for families training together!

    5 REASONS WHY EVERY CHILD SHOULD BE ENROLLED AT CLEARVIEW KI SOCIETY 1. Improved Report Cards: Our curriculum is designed to teach children the importance of concentration and focus. Improved concentration means that your child will learn more at school. Therefore, you can expect your child to receive better grades for both academics and attitude. In our School, children are encouraged to excel mentally AND physically. 2. Clearview Ki Society Builds Healthy Kids: Aikido is a great work out. Your... Read more

    50% off Joining Fee + FREE Uniform!

    Take advantage of our special Kick-Start offer to receive 50% off the joining fee and a FREE uniform. Kids, Teens and Family classes available with discounts for families training together!

    Rhee Tae Kwon Do Salisbury Do-Jang is located at the Salisbury State School in the hall. Enter via Lillian Avenue. We train students from 5 yo to adults in fitness and self defense. Try it out with our UNLIMITED FREE TRIAL OFFER Check our website for full details, phone us, or turn up for a class. Mondays and Thursdays 6 pm to 7 pm Read more

    Shinkondo dojo teaches Aikido and Ki in a friendly and welcoming atmosphere. Beginners, visitors and practioners of other styles and martial arts are always welcome. Come along and take a class or just watch what we do. Check out our website for more details.Shinkondo Aikido Dojo runs general classes from 6:30-8:30pm Tuesday and Thursday nights. General classes are available to anyone from 12 years old and up. General classes are $15 per person, $10 per person for those under 18 and $10 each for... Read more

    Do you want you child engaging in quality learning and social development over the school holidays? The Movement Monkeys specialise in bringing out the best in your child, providing a wide-range of sports and action-packed fun activities in a week-long inclusive program. This is the ultimate, affordable school holiday solution run by professional, experienced coaches for kids aged 4 and up. Prices are as follows: 1 DAY = $70 / child 2 DAYS = $130 / child 3 DAYS = $180 / child 4 DAYS = $220... Read more

    Bai Rui Taekwon-Do teaches discipline, self defence, self control and so much more. Train in a safe and supportive environment with highly-trained instructors who are passionate about Taekwon-Do and care for the individual needs of every student. Meet new friends and learn many self-defence techniques that will work for you, all while getting fit and learning an activity which is taught world-wide. Bai Rui is one of the largest Taekwon-do schools in Australia, and we teach ITF-style Taekwon-Do... Read more

    50% off Joining Fee + FREE Uniform!

    Take advantage of our special Kick-Start offer to receive 50% off the joining fee and a FREE uniform. Kids, Teens and Family classes available with discounts for families training together!

    World class Instruction. First class citizens. Teaching students of all ages self defence. Come check us out or call branch Instructor Aaron for more information Mixed class, adults and kids. There are no contracts, no competitions and not fights. All our sparring is done with controlled techniques, to ensure safety for all. We train twice a week, and only close for 4 weeks a year. A great way to meet others in the community and get involved in something with your kids. Family groups welcome. We... Read more

    In the 7th century BC, the Spartans wanted to create the strongest and most mentally tough citizens on earth. To do this, they created the Agoge (pronounced A-Go-Ge), a system of training that became the envy of the known world. At the Agoge we aspire to this same philosophy via the modern martial art of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, which provides as much of a mental challenge as it does a physical. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a martial art which proved its effectiveness during the early UFCs and has... Read more

    At Pacific International Taekwondo, we believe that martial arts training is one of the best all-around fitness programs available and that it's perfect for all ages. That’s why we specialize in providing sensible training programs for kids, teens and adults. What makes our program so good? There are three major components to physical fitness: aerobic fitness; anaerobic fitness; and flexibility. Taekwondo challenges all of those components, which helps students get very fit, very fast. Many people... Read more

    Sports Karate Coaches & Instructors

    50% off Joining Fee + FREE Uniform!

    Take advantage of our special Kick-Start offer to receive 50% off the joining fee and a FREE uniform. Kids, Teens and Family classes available with discounts for families training together!

    Sports Aikido Coaches & Instructors

    Aikido for children on Friday afternoons 4.15pm Read more

    The Australian TaeKwon-Do Ki-DoKan International is associated to the (ITF-HQ Korea) this is the homeland of the International TaeKwon-Do Federation as founded by the late General Choi Hong Hi. Sabum Mr Edward Scott is a 4th dan Black Belt in the ITF taekwon-do system and is in preparation for his 5th dan Black Belt. He teaches the ITF system of taekwon-do to all beginners that include children and adults alike. The main focus is on the 5 tenants of ITF which is respect, perseverance, integrity,... Read more

    Modern Martial Arts and Self Defense that teaches skill and technique that can be utilized for real self-defense situations and martial arts competition. Eight Directional Martial Arts teaches Karate, Kids Karate, Kick Boxing, Swordmanship and Weaponry and Self Defense Classes. Read more

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