- PO Box 478, Morley, WA 6062
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- Overall rating: 5.0 (40 reviews)
- Awards: #1 Most Popular in Western Australia for 2024
Hapkido Classes & Lessons for Kids - the Central Coast
Western Australia (WA)
Best match results for hapkido classes & lessons for kids in the Central Coast + 5km.
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23x Perth metro & Country locations, including: Albany, Armadale, Beechboro, Bassendean, Bayswater, Ballajura, Bicton, Bedford, Brentwood, Canning Vale, Cockburn, Como, Churchlands, Duncraig, Greenmount, Mt Lawley, Nedlands, North Beach, Ocean Reef, Subiaco, Thornlie, Woodvale, & Yokine. First Tae Kwon Do D teaches the original, non-competitive style of Taekwondo, which emphasises practical self-defence skills and the physical/mental development of our members. Our members train twice weekly... Read more
2x Free Trial Lessons
Dates: from 01 Dec 2021 to 30 Dec 2030
FIRST TAE KWON DO - Perth & WA Country Training Centres Albany, Armadale, Beechboro, Bassendean, Bayswater, Ballajura, Bedford, Bicton, Brentwood, Canning Vale, Cockburn, Como, Churchlands, Duncraig, Greenmount, Mt Lawley, Nedlands, North Beach, Ocean Reef, Subiaco, Thornlie, Woodvale, & Yokine. Traditional Standards, Progressive Attitude, Comprehensive Philosophy Family Fee discounts, No Obligation Trial lesson, No Contracts
Overall rating: 5.0
Recommend for teenagers
03-08-2022 by Madelein Combrink
I have seen the positive mental health influence this dojang brought to young teenagers! ✅
The real deal in Martial Arts
05-06-2022 by Jeff Skates
I started training with my kids - we all now have black belts. The school has had a positive impact on all our lives, especially it gave us an activity we could do together as a family. The traditional values of discipline, spirit and perseverance, and the high standards that are demonstrated by the instructors, give confidence that you are learning skills and a way of life that will stand you in good stead.
Traditional martial arts for all ages
05-06-2022 by Michael
Teaches both self defense and discipline and allows people of all ages to develop self confidence and physical strength. This is what made me enrol my children
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