Capoeira Activities for Kids in Victoria (VIC)
Best match results for capoeira activities for kids in Victoria.
In our Capoeira classes children learn to improve coordination, rhythmic sense and concentration, discover martial art techniques and acrobatics, play instruments and sing, whilst exploring the joys of being active and interactive and having a lot of fun! we have classes at the Temple Park Senior Citizen centre in Brunswick, 24 Gray Street: WED 4.15pm - 4.55pm (4-6 years) WED 5.00pm - 5:50pm (7+ years) We also teach in Richmond at Studio 1, 15 Barnet Way SAT: 9:30 am - 10:10 am (4-6yrs) SAT:... Read more
Join us to discover and learn more about CAPOEIRA, an Afro-Brazilian martial art which involves acrobatics, self-defense, dance, music, poetry, and much more! We train every Tuesday and Thursday from 7:30pm to 9:00pm at the Elwood Bowls Club. We also organise spare trainings around Elwood Beach during summer or weekends when the weather is OK. Trainings are open to all ages from 9+ and lessons are suitable for beginners. We teach the basic movements, as well as rhythms, songs and history... Read more