Aikido associations for kids
Aikido was first introduced in Australia in 1963 by a man named Arthur Moorshead. He settled in Melbourne in 1963 where he started conducting aikido classes. In 1971, the increasing interest in Aikido contributed in the establishment of the Australian Aikido Association. At present, martial arts practitioners have established their presence in Australia due to its popularity teaching concepts of self defence. Get your kids active, healthy, in shape and increase their stamina by enrolling them in Aikido associations!
- Category:Sports
- Approximate age to start Aikido:4 years old
- Approximate price:Adult classes (15+ years) - $7.00 Children (8 to 14) - $5.00
- Gear/equipment needed and approximate price range: BUTOKA SEIKA Aikido Uniform Set - $67, Bokuto - $14, Jo - $54, Shinai - $30
- This activity comprises of: Competitions, Events, Aikido training, Aikido Summer camps
- Best period of the year:Anytime
- Most appropriate region:All locations
- School holiday programs available:YES

A video of Aikido associations for kids
Information on aikido association for kids
Why should you let your kids join aikido associations?
Aikido is a form of martial arts, developed and influenced by Jujutsu which uses no weapon in defeating an armed opponent. Aikido is one of the most popular martial arts practiced worldwide and it is a life skill which your kids can master if they start learning the techniques at an early age. Just like Karate, Aikido also teaches self defence. Though very similar in nature Aikido is a soft technique in which it involves avoidance and redirection, throws and projections. On the other hand Karate is a hard technique that requires executions of hard punches and muscular strength.
Contrary to popular belief, Aikido does not always require size, physical strength and strong use of force. Aikido is all about angles, off-balance and power extension and can be emotionally, physically and mentally gratifying activities for kids. Once these are properly mastered, aikido techniques and methods can be more powerful than any strong use of force can achieve. Joining various Aikido Associations is also a great way to keep toddlers and children active and at the same time, hone their social skills. Children can learn numerous skills that can effectively impact how they handle challenges in everyday life. There are several benefits your children can gain when you let them join aikido clubs,certified karate organisations and aikido associations. Some of them are:
- It teaches them calmness. Children and toddlers will benefit greatly from being calm. Whether they need to sit still at school or concentrate on their homework, Aikido associations will help them be calm and be more attentive.
- Aikido associations can teach them self defence. In certain conflicts your kids can get into, Aikido associations can help them practice self defence whether they're big or small. The important thing that Aikido associations can teach is how to stay mentally focused, stay calm and act confidently.
- Aikido associations give them a more positive attitude in its non-competitive environment. Children can attain happiness, improve their imaginative minds and enhance their ability to learn when they always have a positive attitude.
- Aikido associations teach them that winning is not equal to fighting. Your children can learn that in staying calm and relaxed, they are much stronger than using anger, force and aggression. They will learn how to take responsibility and how to treat people with respect and kindness.
You can start enrolling your kids in aikido classes & lessons as early as 3 years old. Training dojos is a great place to start your kids in training proper Japanese martial arts like Aikido. You need not worry for your child beginning to learn for the child's age and skill level will determine the type of class they get to participate in. If you're confident in letting your children learn this life skill, here's where you can start:
- Check aikido dojo locations for the school closest to your location and inquire about class times
- Give the dojo a call to inform them when you are coming
- Dress your kids in comfortable clothes
- Stay and observe your kids throughout the lesson
Get your Kids to Learn in Aikido Associations!
Are your kids interested in joining Aikido classes? Aikido is one of the most enjoyable kids activities that can also be a vital life skill for kids to learn. Aikido clubs and Aikido associations offer age-specific curriculum and Aikido classes include self defence training, safety awareness, concentration and physical fitness. There are several Aikido associations which provide a friendly, cooperative atmosphere to learn Aikido in the best way and develop one's self-confidence. Some of these Aikido associations with accredited Aikido Coaches & Instructors are:
- Aikido Takemusu Kai (Australia) Association Inc.
- National Aikido Association of Australia (Aiki Kai Australia)
- Aikido Western Australia
- PCYC North Sydney
If you decide signing up your child in a certified Aikido association or Aikido classes, you must sign a release/registration form. Aikido associations for kids usually offers beginning, intermediate and advanced classes for your kids so here's what to anticipate:
- Classes approximately last one hour
- Introductory classes are designed to be fun for your child
- Lessons are conducted separately from one-one-one class
- Questions can be freely entertained by the instructor
Join your kids in an aikido association now and encourage them to learn aikido, develop their self-confidence and self-esteem and help them utilize their full potential! Check out our ActiveActivities directory for more information on Aikido Associations for kids!