- Clarkson Drv, Rainbow Beach, QLD 4581
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Equestrian Activities for Kids in the Sunshine Coast Region
Best match results for equestrian activities for kids in the Sunshine Coast Region + 5km.
Rainbow Beach Horse Rides is an award-winning business located just 3 hours north of Brisbane. Our team of qualified & certified trail guides will lead you through some of the most spectacular landscapes and coastline in Australia. Indulge in one of nature’s most amazing experiences as you horse ride along pristine white beaches and immerse yourself in nature. We cater to all riding abilities, and no prior experience is required. All rides include riding instruction prior to the ride. Photos... Read more
Freedom Equestrian specialises in Therapeutic Horse Riding & Equine Facilitated Learning (EFL) for all ages and experience levels. Their programs enable participants to achieve personal development goals and aspirations within a unique horse riding & learning environment. Programs for Disability (NDIS), Mental Health, Youth & Children, Relationships, Personal Development and Business. Located 25 mins north of Gympie. Read more
Kiah Park is one of Queenslands leading horse riding facilities, situated in the hills of the Sunshine Coast hinterland and specializing in horse riding holidays for kids. We love to engage school-aged children in the fresh excitement of spending time outdoors. We offer 7 Day Horse Riding Camps during all Queensland school holidays as well as shorter Long Weekend Camps throughout the year. For those who just want to come and spend a great day out, we also run Day Rides on Monday and Tuesday... Read more
A safe, fun riding program! Individual lessons catered for all levels and ages. Competitive prices. Enjoy one of our lesson horses or we travel to you! Equine Intelligence offers lessons in English Disciplines and beginner Western. We also hold workshops and holiday activities. Read more
The objects of Pony Club are to encourage young people to ride and to learn to enjoy all kinds of sport connected with horses and riding. To provide instruction in riding and horsemastership and to instill in members the proper care of their animals. To promote the highest ideals of sportsmanship, citizenship and loyalty, thereby cultivating strength of character and self-discipline. Read more
This is my dream n my passion, being able to share my love of horses n nature. Come join me on my Widgee Crossing Trail rides n experience the difference. Read more
Pony riding on the Sunshine Coast. Based at Sunshine Coast Showgrounds in Nambour. Fantastic grounds with an undercover arena. Read more