Equestrian Activities for Kids - Nindooinbah (4285)
Best match results for equestrian activities for kids in Nindooinbah + 5km.
With a combined 30 + years of working in training and education, owning horses, teaching men, women and children to ride, doing natural style horsemanship and managing equestrian facilities and then taking the journey to further our already developed business and life skills into equine facilitated life coaching, business development and leadership skills, we have come across and helped many new and experienced horse owners with handling and care of their horses. Read more
Other related businesses in and around Nindooinbah (within 20km)
The pony club movement in Australia enjoys well-merited recognition as the basic training ground for the growing number of our nation’s equestrians. The objectives of pony club are: To encourage young people to ride and learn to enjoy all kinds of sport connected with horses and riding. To provide instruction in riding and horse-master ship and to instil in members the proper care of their animals. To promote the highest ideals of sports master ship, citizenship and loyalty, thereby cultivating strength... Read more
We help horses with people problems. I train horses to respect there owners in a natural horsemanship way that they respond to . I am also a equine chiropractor . Read more
“The horse, with beauty unsurpassed, strength immeasurable and grace unlike any other, still remains humble enough to carry a man upon his back.” – Amber Senti Horses to me are not just a hobby they are my life and every day they prove to me they are worth it. I am a qualified EFA riding instructor and have 23 years riding experience, 11 years teaching experience and ride competitively at state level dressage. Over the years I have been exposed to horses of every breed, temperament and education... Read more