Touch Football Grounds for Kids - Tasmania (TAS)
Best match results for touch football grounds for kids in Tasmania.
WELCOME TO LAUNCESTON TOUCH ASSOCIATION The Launceston Touch Association (LTA) is the Northern Tasmanian affiliate for Touch Football Australia. Touch football is a field sport based on rugby league, without the need to tackle. Touch is easy to learn, needs limited equipment and is generally a limited-contact sport. The LTA provides a Touch competition for all ages ranging from 8 years of age. The LTA has competitions that are based around gender and also a mixed competition. The divisions... Read more
Southern Touch is the sole Touch Football Association affiliated with Touch Football Australia in Southern Tasmania. It's home is located at Wentworth Park Howrah on Hobart's eastern shore where it hosts male, female & mixed Touch Football Competitions catering for Primary School aged Juniors through to open aged Seniors. In addition to the usual summer and winter competitions Southern Touch periodically run Come n' Try Days, School Clinics and other alternative short course competitions to name... Read more