Touch Rugby for your Kids
Touch rugby, also known as touch football is a form of rugby that has been around since the 1950s.
Now a thriving sport with an international touch rugby league, touch rugby is a great non contact way for kids to get fit and learn a team sport!

A video of Touch Rugby for your Kids
Information on Touch Rugby for Kids in Australia
Will your kids enjoy Touch Rugby?
Do your kids love rugby?
If they enjoy team sports but shy away from the heavy physical contact that goes with rugby they might love touch rugby. Designed as a way to keep rugby players fit during summer, touch rugby is a popular kids’ activity and has evolved into a sport in its own right. It is played at venues throughout Australia. The rules are based on a cross between rugby league and rugby union where players ‘touch’ each other rather than tackling in a conventional way.
Touch rugby has many benefits for kids of almost all ages:
- Improves running, agility and ball skills
- Great way for boys and girls to play together
- Lower risk of injury
- Teaches the basics of rugby in a safe way
- Promotes values such as honesty and sportsmanship
- Teaches tactics and strategic thinking
- Dads and mums can play too providing an opportunity for family bonding
As well as structured lessons and games, touch rugby can be played informally on the beach or backyard and is one of Australia’s favourite kids activities and family sports. Kids as young as 6 years old can join a team or club and start playing touch rugby.
How can you organise Touch Rugby lessons and matches for your kids?
Are you looking for a place to start your kids off with touch rugby lessons? A good place to start is your local touch football club. They can offer a number of different activities for kids and organise matches and tournaments. During their training kids will learn the rules of the game along with improving ball skills, increasing their fitness and undertaking training drills.
If your kids are joining a team they will need team uniforms and shirts which are usually available at the club. The touch rugby season is all year round ? whether you’re playing in the family backyard or in a team - and your kids can start any time so there’s no excuse not to play!