Little athletics in Sydney
Little Athletics is a fun community-oriented sport that’s based on the events of track and field but is modified to suit the abilities of children. Every year, kids from all over Sydney and New South Wales take part in a state-wide Little Athletics event open to all kids ages 5-16. Over 1 million children from NSW have participated in the event since it began in 1968. Don’t you want your kids to join? Bring on the track suits and let’s go!
- Category: Sports
- Approximate age to start Little Athletics: 5
- Approximate price: $60-$130/season
- Gear/equipment needed and approximate price range: track suit, running shoes, equipment from little athletics venues
- This activity comprises of: running, jumping, throwing, triathlon
- Best period of the year: Summer
- Most appropriate region: Sydney Olympic Park Athletic Centre
- School holiday programs available: YES

Information on Little Athletics in Sydney
Get Your Kids to Start Playing Little Athletics in Sydney!
Little Athletics NSW holds little athletics championships every year. There are zone championships, regional championships, and state track and field championships. Regional championships in Sydney are held in the Sydney Academy of Sport, Narrabeen, in mid-February.
Australian Little Athletics is the governing body responsible for nationwide little athletics kids activities. Winners from the state championships are eligible to compete in the nationwide event.
Get Your Kids to Start Playing Little Athletics in Sydney!
To be active in little athletics in Sydney, check the events in the Kids Events section of our website to see a calendar of events and competitions.
Kids as young as 5 can start joining little athletics events in Sydney. Toddlers are not encouraged to compete until they are older. Special programs allow children with disabilities to compete in little athletics events despite their condition.
Joining a little athletics club can cost at around $60 to $130 a season, depending on the club. Choose an event that your child will likely want to participate in. Parents, grandparents, and friends are welcome to participate and volunteer in little athletics events. Little athletics events are held from September to March, so register your kids before that time of the year.
Bring on the sunscreen and let’s get on the track!