Little Athletics Clubs & Centres for Kids in New South Wales (NSW)
Best match results for little athletics clubs & centres for kids in New South Wales.
ENQUIRE NOW for the 2019/2020 season. Little Athletics is a fun way for kids to keep fit, learn new athletics skills and have the opportunity to compete at competitions. Our centre is located on the corner of 4th & 11th Avenues Austral. If you live in Hoxton Park, Carnes Hill, Middleton Grange, Kemps Creek, Leppington, Cecil Hills, Bonnyrigg, Horsley Park, Mount Vernon, Prestons, Liverpool, Edmonson Park, Willowdale or Oran Park join our centre! Little Athletics is a volunteer run organisation... Read more
Venue Oswald Reserve Rosemeadow Day & Time - Competition Friday nights starting at 6pm Age groups from Tiny Tots to Under 17 Training nights - Wednesday from 6pm to 7pm Read more
Venue: Eschol Park Sports Complex Season starts for the 2018: 14 Sept 2018 Start time: Friday 6pm Ages: 3-17 We are registered for the Active Kids Voucher Please register online through the Little Athletics NSW website. Fees are set for: Tots - $95 U6 - $105 U7-17 - $115 Eschol Park Little Athletics is a registered provider for Active Kids Vouchers Registration days are the 1st and 8th September but you can register from the 1st August through the Little Athletics NSW website Training... Read more
South Eastern Little Athletics Centre (SELAC) competes at ES Marks on Saturday mornings. We cater for athletes from 3 up to 17 years. The little athletics season is from September to March. Read more
If you are interested in training for and competing in athletics come on down to Wyatt Park. Our season runs from September through to March every year and we cater for children from the age of 5 through to 17. Our competition nights are on Fridays from 6:30pm till around 8pm. We also have coaches that train through the week. You will enjoy a full range of track and field events and can get specific training for your favourite discipline if you would like. You are able to progress through... Read more
Venue : Jubilee Park Day & Time :Thursday 5pm Catering for children 3 - 18 years Read more