Athletics School Holiday Activities for Kids - the Central Coast
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We are a local athletics club catering for athletes in the Kelmscott & surrounding areas. We cater for boys & girls aged 5-17 years. Events include high jump, long jump, triple jump, discus, javelin, shotput, 100m, 400m, 200m, hurdles just to name a few. New Members always welcome. Our summer season runs from october to march each year with registrations being accepted from September at training. We train 2 days a week Tuesday & Thursday 4.30-6pm at RUSHTON PARK, River Road Kelmscott We... Read more
Willandra Little Athletics Club
20-07-2016 by Joanne
I have been involved with this club for over 10 years. My son started as an under 7 and just finished as an under 17. Now my daughter has just started as an under 6. Highly recommended for keeping fit and meeting new people. Fun and friendly atmosphere. Come down and give it a try!!
Great Little Club - Check Them Out
20-07-2016 by Liam
Awesome Little Club whom I have been an athlete with for 11 seasons. Great coaches, friendly atmosphere. Go down and give it a go. Great for fitness and coordination
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Western Australia
Central Coast
- Ajana
- Allanooka
- Alma
- Angelo River
- Arrino
- Arrowsmith
- Arrowsmith East
- Avon Valley National Park
- Badgingarra
- Ballidu
- Bambun
- Barberton
- Beachlands
- Beermullah
- Beresford
- Berkshire Valley
- Bindoon
- Bindoon Training Area
- Binnu
- Bluff Point
- Bonniefield
- Bookara
- Boonanarring
- Bootenal
- Boothendarra
- Bowes
- Breera
- Breton Bay
- Bringo
- Buller
- Bundanoon
- Buntine
- Burma Road
- Cape Burney
- Capricorn
- Carnamah
- Carrarang
- Cataby
- Cervantes
- Coburn
- Coolcalalaya
- Cooljarloo
- Coomberdale
- Coonabidgee
- Coorow
- Cowalla
- Cue
- Cullalla
- Dalwallinu
- Dandaragan
- Dartmoor
- Deepdale
- Dindiloa
- Dongara
- Drummond Cove
- Dudawa
- Durawah
- East Ballidu
- East Bowes
- East Chapman
- East Damboring
- East Nabawa
- East Yuna
- Eganu
- Ellendale
- Eneabba
- Eradu
- Eradu South
- Eurardy
- Francois Peron National Park
- Gabbadah
- Georgina
- Geraldton
- Gillingarra
- Gingin
- Ginginup
- Glenfield
- Glentromie
- Goodlands
- Goomalling
- Granville
- Green Head
- Greenough
- Gregory
- Guilderton
- Gunyidi
- Hamelin Pool
- Hickety
- Hill River
- Holmwood
- Horrocks
- Howatharra
- Hulongine
- Ikewa
- Irwin
- Isseka
- Jibberding
- Jurien Bay
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- Kalbarri National Park
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- Karloo
- Karranadgin
- Kojarena
- Kondut
- Konnongorring
- Koojan
- Kumarina
- Lake Austin
- Lake Hinds
- Lake Ninan
- Lancelin
- Latham
- Ledge Point
- Leeman
- Lennard Brook
- Lockier
- Lower Chittering
- Mahomets Flats
- Marchagee
- Marne
- Marrah
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- Meekatharra
- Meru
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- Narra Tarra
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- New Norcia
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- North Eradu
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- Northern Gully
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- Regans Ford
- Rockwell
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- Rudds Gully
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- South Yuna
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- Strathalbyn
- Sunset Beach
- Tamala
- Tarcoola Beach
- The Vines
- Three Springs
- Tibradden
- Torndirrup
- Ucarty West
- Useless Loop
- Utakarra
- Valentine
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- Waddy Forest
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- Wandina
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- Yallingup Siding
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Central Coast
Western Australia
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