- 19B Bishop Street, Woolner, NT 0820
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School Holiday Activities for Kids in Rockhampton
Best match results for school holiday activities for kids in Rockhampton + 5km.
Flametree teaches online & in the Darwin region. Classes are taught in the style of group fitness classes, with a yoga focus. There are also Pilates options, breath meditation, & a weight loss program. Classes are LIVE online, & at 3 locations across the Darwin region, in Woolner, Casuarina, & Palmerston. At Flametree, you'll get fit, flexible, calm, & focussed. Doctors recommend yoga based movement because it also does so much more than other types of activity. GROUP FITNESS CLASSES Flametree's... Read more
Fitzroy Basin Association coordinates local efforts to promote the wise use of our landscapes and waterways. We host free community events - Regional Beach Blitz for marine debris study, Clean Up Australia Day, National Tree Day, Weedbuster Week. We support local community groups to 'adopt a creek', provide environmental education sessions to schools, loan science equipment for community field study and fund fish passages for freshwater/estuarine fish lifecycles. Read more