Playgroups - the Coastal Region
Best match results for playgroups in the Coastal Region + 5km.
Find us on FB: ashmoreucplaygroup Playgroup: Every Friday during school term from 9.30am to 11.30am (all ages up to school age). Our wonderful playgroup meets weekly every Friday during the school term in the Church Hall. Mums, Dads, grandparents and carers are invited to bring their children along for a morning of fun and friendship. The playgroup is for children from birth to school age. It has a central theme each week which includes a free play structure where various play and activity... Read more
Munchkin Melody Makers is music program for 0-5yr olds through the use of singing nursery rhymes, movement, use of percussion instruments, ribbon sticks, scarves, puppets, bubbles and parachute fun. We run small interactive classes across Northern Gold Coast Including Nerang, Ormeau and Coomera. We are also available to run our program in Day Cares / Preschools and Private Hire. We also offer you to come along and try your first class for FREE! With a 'No pressure to Join' policy in place... Read more
Not sure if this is for you and your child? That's okay!! We invite you to come along to your first class for FREE!* (*In the event that our classes are at capacity, we will add you to our wait-list and let you know when a spot is available)
- 2/132 Spencer Road Carrara, Carrara, Carrara, QLD 4211
- Business can travel to you
- Awards: #17 Most Popular in the Gold Coast Region for 2024
Martial Arts will help to teach children the art of self-discipline. Martial arts teaches restraint and patience. Not only does it encourage positive re-enforcement, learning Martial Arts is a full body workout for the mind. Martial arts teaches children peaceful, non-violent conflict resolution skills and emphasises that physical altercations must be avoided. Non- Judgemental environment! Everyone is welcome no matter how fit you are or if you struggle with disabilities, My Healthy Mind have... Read more
At Hartbeeps we put your child at the heart of our magical, musical adventures! We offer: Weekly baby and toddler classes Daycare, Kindy or Playgroup sessions Monthly Stay & play baby discos Fabulous children's parties Holiday baby and toddler Raves! All of our classes are set to a soundtrack of original songs, remixed nursery rhymes and lullabies. We take you and your little one on a sound journey and bring the story to life. Come and experience the amazing world of Hartbeeps with... Read more
Music, Massage and Mindfulness classes for 0-5 year olds. We offer the foundational skills of rhythm and beat in a fun and supportive environment. We teach the Infant Massage Sequence to parents of non-mobile babies and share fun massage techniques for parents with busy young children. Read more
Other related businesses in and around the Coastal Region
Here at the centre we believe in Family Support; We have trained staff on hand for counselling services as we recognise how valuable this is to the community. Social support in our area is needed to make sure that young people and their families are able to find assistance that is non judgemental and non discriminatory. The Gold Coast City Council’s Northern Gold Coast Social Infrastructure Plan is the basis upon which our centre focuses not just on youth but families. The Oxenford & Coomera Community... Read more
All locations
Coastal Region
- Abbotsford
- Abingdon Downs
- Abington
- Aeroglen
- Agnes Water
- Aldershot
- Aldoga
- Alexandra
- Alloway
- Almaden
- Aloomba
- Amber
- Ambrose
- Antigua
- Apple Tree Creek
- Arafura Sea
- Arbouin
- Archer River
- Arriga
- Ashfield
- Atherton
- Aurukun
- Avenell Heights
- Avoca
- Avondale
- Ayton
- Babinda
- Badu Island
- Baffle Creek
- Balberra
- Bamaga
- Bamboo
- Bamboo Creek
- Bargara
- Barmoya
- Barratta
- Barrine
- Barron
- Barron Gorge
- Bartle Frere
- Barwidgi
- Basilisk
- Bauple
- Bauple Forest
- Bayview Heights
- Beatrice
- Beaver Rock
- Bedarra Island
- Beecher
- Beelbi Creek
- Bellenden Ker
- Bellevue
- Belmunda
- Belvedere
- Benaraby
- Bentley Park
- Berajondo
- Biboohra
- Bidwill
- Bilyana
- Bingil Bay
- Birkalla
- Blackbull
- Bloomfield
- Blue Hills
- Blue Mountain
- Boigu Island
- Bolwarra
- Bombeeta
- Bondoola
- Bonnie Doon
- Boogan
- Boolboonda
- Boonooroo
- Boonooroo Plains
- Booral
- Booyal
- Bororen
- Boyne Island
- Boyne Valley
- Boynedale
- Bracewell
- Bramston Beach
- Branyan
- Brightly
- Brinsmead
- Broken River
- Bucca
- Buchan Point
- Builyan
- Bulgun
- Bulleringa
- Bullyard
- Bundaberg
- Bundaberg Central
- Bundaberg East
- Bundaberg North
- Bundaberg South
- Bundaberg West
- Bungadoo
- Bungalow
- Bungundarra
- Bunya Creek
- Burgowan
- Burnett Heads
- Burrum Heads
- Burrum River
- Burrum Town
- Burton
- Burua
- Butchers Creek
- Buxton
- Byellee
- Cairns
- Cairns City
- Cairns North
- Calavos
- Callemondah
- Calliope
- Camp Creek
- Cape Hillsborough
- Cape Tribulation
- Capricorn Coast
- Captain Creek
- Caravonica
- Cardstone
- Carmila
- Carmoo
- Carrington
- Cassowary
- Cherwell
- Chewko
- Childers
- Chillagoe
- Clairview
- Claraville
- Clifton Beach
- Clinton
- Cobraball
- Coconut Island
- Coconuts
- Coen
- Colosseum
- Colston Park
- Comoon Loop
- Conjuboy
- Cooktown
- Coonarr
- Cooroo Lands
- Coorumba
- Cooya Beach
- Coppabella
- Coquette Point
- Coral Cove
- Coral Sea
- Coralie
- Cordalba
- Cow Bay
- Cowley
- Cowley Beach
- Cowley Creek
- Craiglie
- Craignish
- Cromarty
- Croydon
- Crystalbrook
- Cullinane
- Currajah
- Curtis Island
- Dagmar
- Daintree
- Dalysford
- Damascus
- Danbulla
- Daradgee
- Darnley Island
- Darts Creek
- Dauan Island
- Daveson
- Dedin
- Deepwater
- Deeral
- Degarra
- Delan
- Desailly
- Devereux Creek
- Diglum
- Dimbulah
- Dingo Pocket
- Diwan
- Dixie
- Djarawong
- Djiru
- Doolbi
- Doughboy
- Drinan
- Duaringa
- Duckinwilla
- Duingal
- Dundathu
- Dundowran
- Dundowran Beach
- Dunk
- Dunmora
- Eaglefield
- Earlville
- East Barron
- East Creek
- East End
- East Feluga
- East Innisfail
- East Palmerston
- East Russell
- East Trinity
- Edge Hill
- Edmonton
- Edward River
- Einasleigh
- El Arish
- Electra
- Eli Waters
- Ellinjaa
- Elliott
- Elliott Heads
- Ellis Beach
- Elphinstone
- Epsom
- Esmeralda
- Eton
- Eton North
- Etty Bay
- Eubenangee
- Euleilah
- Euramo
- Eureka
- Eurimbula
- Evans Landing
- Evelyn
- Fairfield Waters
- Fairymead
- Farnsfield
- Feluga
- Ferney
- Finlay Vale
- Fishery Falls
- Fitzgerald Creek
- Fitzroy Island
- Flying Fish Point
- Foreshores
- Forest Creek
- Forsayth
- Forty Mile
- Fossilbrook
- Four Mile Beach
- Freshwater
- Friday Pocket
- Gadgarra
- Gaeta
- Gamboola
- Garners Beach
- Garradunga
- Georgetown
- Germantown
- Gilbert River
- Gin Gin
- Gindoran
- Giru
- Givelda
- Gladstone
- Gladstone City
- Gladstone Harbour Is
- Glen Allyn
- Glen Boughton
- Glen Eden
- Glen Russell
- Glen Ruth
- Glenden
- Glenorchy
- Goldsborough
- Gooburrum
- Good Night
- Goodwood
- Goolboo
- Goondi
- Goondi Bend
- Goondi Hill
- Gootchie
- Gordonvale
- Grahams Creek
- Granadilla
- Granville
- Grasstree Beach
- Great Sandy Strait
- Green Hill
- Green Island
- Greenlake
- Greenmount
- Groganville
- Gulf Of Carpentaria
- Gulngai
- Gundiah
- Gunnawarra
- Hail Creek
- Helenvale
- Herberton
- Hervey Bay
- Highbury
- Holloways Beach
- Homebush
- Hope Vale
- Horn
- Horse Camp
- Horseshoe Lagoon
- Horton
- Howard
- Hudson
- Hull Heads
- Hurricane
- Ilbilbie
- Injinoo
- Innes Park
- Innisfail
- Innisfail Estate
- Innot Hot Springs
- Inverness
- Irvinebank
- Isis Central
- Isis River
- Island Plantation
- Iveragh
- Jaffa
- Jaggan
- Japoonvale
- Jardine River
- Jarra Creek
- Jerona
- Julatten
- Kaban
- Kairi
- Kalkie
- Kalunga
- Kamerunga
- Kanimbla
- Karron
- Kawungan
- Kemmis
- Kensington
- Kepnock
- Kewarra Beach
- Killaloe
- Kimberley
- Kin Kora
- Kinkuna
- Kirkwood
- Kirrama
- Koah
- Kolonga
- Koombooloomba
- Kooroomool
- Kowanyama
- Kowrowa
- Kullogum
- Kuranda
- Kureen
- Kurrimine Beach
- Lake Barrine
- Lake Eacham
- Lake Mary
- Lake Monduran
- Lake Tinaroo
- Lakefield
- Lakeland
- Lamb Range
- Laura
- Littabella
- Little Mulgrave
- Lizard
- Lockhart
- Long Island
- Low Isles
- Lower Cowley
- Lower Daintree
- Lower Tully
- Lowmead
- Lyndhurst
- Lyndside
- Maadi
- Maalan
- Maaroom
- Mabuiag Island
- Macalister Range
- Machans Beach
- Machine Creek
- Magnetic Island
- Magnolia
- Malanda
- Mamu
- Manoora
- Manunda
- Mapoon
- Maramie
- Mareeba
- Maria Creeks
- Maroondan
- Martyville
- Maryborough
- Maryborough West
- Maryvale
- Masig Island
- Mccutcheon
- Mcilwraith
- Meadowvale
- Mena Creek
- Mentmore
- Merryburn
- Miallo
- Miara
- Middlebrook
- Midgenoo
- Midgeree Bar
- Mighell
- Millaa Millaa
- Millbank
- Millstream
- Minbun
- Minnamoolka
- Miriam Vale
- Miriwinni
- Mission Beach
- Mission River
- Moa Island
- Molangul
- Mon Repos
- Mona Mona
- Monduran
- Moolboolaman
- Moomin
- Moore Park
- Moore Park Beach
- Moorland
- Mooroobool
- Moregatta
- Moresby
- Morganville
- Mossman
- Mossman Gorge
- Mount Alma
- Mount Britton
- Mount Carbine
- Mount Garnet
- Mount Jukes
- Mount Larcom
- Mount Mackay
- Mount Maria
- Mount Molloy
- Mount Mulgrave
- Mount Mulligan
- Mount Perry
- Mount Peter
- Mount Pleasant
- Mount Sheridan
- Mount Steadman
- Mount Stuart
- Mount Surprise
- Mount Surround
- Mount Tom
- Mount Urah
- Mourilyan
- Mourilyan Harbour
- Mowbray
- Mud Island
- Mulara
- Mullett Creek
- Munderra
- Mundoo
- Mungalli
- Mungar
- Mungy
- Munro Plains
- Murrigal
- Mutchilba
- Nagoorin
- Nanum
- Napranum
- Nearum
- Nebo
- Nerada
- Netherby
- New Auckland
- New Harbourline
- New Mapoon
- New Moonta
- Newell
- Newell Beach
- Ngatjan
- Nikenbah
- Noah
- North Cairns
- North Eton
- North Gregory
- North Isis
- North Johnstone
- Northhead
- Norville
- Nychum
- O'Briens Hill
- O'Connell
- Oak Beach
- Oakhurst
- Oakwood
- Owanyilla
- Oxford
- Oyster Creek
- Pacific Haven
- Packers Camp
- Paddys Green
- Palm Cove
- Palmer
- Palmerston
- Palmyra
- Parramatta Park
- Pebbly Beach
- Peeramon
- Petford
- Pialba
- Pilerwa
- Pin Gin Hill
- Pine Creek
- Pioneers Rest
- Point Vernon
- Poona
- Pormpuraaw
- Port Douglas
- Portsmith
- Prawle
- Prince Of Wales
- Promisedland
- Proserpine
- Punsand
- Qunaba
- Raglan
- Ravenshoe
- Ravensworth
- Red River
- Redhill Farms
- Redlynch
- Redridge
- River Heads
- River Ranch
- Rockingham
- Rocky Point
- Rodds Bay
- Rookwood
- Rosedale
- Roseneath
- Rosslea
- Rossville
- Round Hill
- Rubyanna
- Rules Beach
- Rupertswood
- Rural View
- Saibai Island
- Salonika Beach
- Sandringham
- Sandy Pocket
- Scarness
- Seisia
- Seventeen Seventy
- Shannonvale
- Sharon
- Shelburne
- Shell Pocket
- Shirbourne
- Silkwood
- Silkwood East
- Silky Oak
- Silver Valley
- Skyring Reserve
- Smithfield
- Somerset
- South Bingera
- South Gladstone
- South Innisfail
- South Isis
- South Johnstone
- South Kolan
- South Mission
- South Mission Beach
- South Trees
- Southedge
- Speewah
- Springfield
- Spurgeon
- St Agnes
- St Kilda
- Staaten
- Starcke
- Stephens Island
- Stewart Creek Valley
- Stockton
- Stoters Hill
- Stratford
- Strathfield
- Strathmore
- Sun Valley
- Sundown
- Sunshine Acres
- Susan River
- Suttor
- Svensson Heights
- Syndicate
- Tablelands
- Takilberan
- Takura
- Talaroo
- Talegalla Weir
- Tam O'Shanter
- Tanby
- Tandora
- Tannum Sands
- Taragoola
- Targinie
- Tarzali
- Taunton
- Teddington
- Telina
- Thabeban
- The Dimonds
- The Hummock
- The Keppels
- The Narrows
- The Three Sisters
- Thinoomba
- Thornborough
- Thornton Beach
- Tiaro
- Tinana
- Tinana South
- Tinaroo
- Tinnanbar
- Tirroan
- Tolga
- Toogoom
- Toolooa
- Topaz
- Torbanlea
- Torquay
- Torres Strait
- Trinity Beach
- Trinity Park
- Trunding
- Tuan
- Tuan Forest
- Tully
- Tully Heads
- Tumoulin
- Turkey Beach
- Turrawulla
- Umagico
- Upper Barron
- Upper Daintree
- Upper Daradgee
- Upper Haughton
- Urangan
- Utchee Creek
- Valkyrie
- Vasa Views
- Victoria Plains
- Wairuna
- Walkamin
- Walkers Point
- Walkervale
- Wallaville
- Walliebum
- Walligan
- Walter Hill
- Walter Lever Estate
- Wangan
- Wangetti
- Wanjuru
- Warrami
- Warrubullen
- Watalgan
- Waterloo
- Watsonville
- Wattlebank
- Waugh Pocket
- Webb
- Weerriba
- Weipa
- Weipa Airport
- Welcome Creek
- Wellesley Islands
- Wenlock
- West Gladstone
- West Point
- West Stowe
- Westcourt
- White Rock
- Whitfield
- Whyanbeel
- Windermere
- Winfield
- Wonbah
- Wonbah Forest
- Wondecla
- Wondunna
- Wonga
- Wonga Beach
- Wongabel
- Wongaling Beach
- Wooderson
- Woodgate
- Woongarra
- Woopen Creek
- Woorabinda
- Wooroonooran
- Woree
- Wrights Creek
- Wrotham
- Wujal Wujal
- Wurdong Heights
- Yagoonya
- Yam Island
- Yandaran
- Yarrabah
- Yarraden
- Yarwun
- Yengarie
- Yerra
- Yorkeys Knob
- Yungaburra
Coastal Region
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