Playgroups in Queensland (QLD)

Best match results for playgroups in Queensland.

    Rainbow City Indoor Play Centre & Cafe is an indoor playground suitable for children ages 0-6 years old. Our venue lets children safely play while the parents can enjoy their coffee and meal. We boast of a variety of play equipment at the fraction of a cost compared to other indoor play centres. We have trampoline, ball pits, role play area, jumping castle, slides, baby area. We also have fun activities for kids such as indoor soccer or sensory classes every week. Our entry fee is only $12... Read more

    Martial Arts will help to teach children the art of self-discipline. Martial arts teaches restraint and patience. Not only does it encourage positive re-enforcement, learning Martial Arts is a full body workout for the mind. Martial arts teaches children peaceful, non-violent conflict resolution skills and emphasises that physical altercations must be avoided. Non- Judgemental environment! Everyone is welcome no matter how fit you are or if you struggle with disabilities, My Healthy Mind have... Read more

    Sunshine Coast Playgroup Hub (Formally Mons Playgroup Centre) is set on one acre, fully fenced and is the perfect venue for children's parties, family get together's and Playgroup. The Hub has currently 10 playgroups running from Monday- Friday during school term. Playgroups include- Community Playgroups, Baby playgroups, Grandparents and carers playgroup, Playconnect (Free Autism Playgroup) and French playgroup. Party Venue hire includes a small indoor room (The playhouse) with kitchen facilities... Read more

    Premier Gymnastics is a Brisbane based gymnastics program which operates out of two leading private girls schools : Moreton Bay College and Somerville House. Venues are fully equipped with no set up required. Premier Brisbane Venue is at Somerville House , Murray Evans Aquatic Sports Centre, Stephens Rd South Brisbane. Premier Bayside Venue is at Moreton Bay Girls College, Hargreaves Rd, Wynnum West. You do not have to be a current student at either school to enrol. Both venues offer- Kindergym... Read more

    Playgroup is a group of parents and their children under five, who meet to play, socialise and learn. They are one or two hour sessions that are held in child friendly and safe environments which can include private homes, community halls and parks. Playgroups give mums, dads, grandparents and carers the opportunity to meet, share experiences and develop important support networks. Many lifelong friendships have begun at Playgroup. Children under five are in a stage of rapid brain and skill development.... Read more

    Started in 1990, mainly music is a fun music group for parents or primary care givers to enjoy together with their young child. Throughout the morning, children develop gross and fine motor skills, language, imagination, mathematical and pre-reading skills as well as socialize with others. Each mainly music is associated with and is run by volunteers from a local church. Children are introduced to music, creativity and more, plus families given a chance to think about the God-part of life. Amazing... Read more

    Fun Playgroups for all children 10 months to 5 years. Babies Talk Too (mum and bubs ), Early Talkers (GIFTED), School readiness and making and keeping friends groups. Also groups for children needing a little more support - Late Talker Groups, Autism, Down's Syndrome. Read more

    Music, Massage and Mindfulness classes for 0-5 year olds. We offer the foundational skills of rhythm and beat in a fun and supportive environment. We teach the Infant Massage Sequence to parents of non-mobile babies and share fun massage techniques for parents with busy young children. Read more

    Find us on FB: ashmoreucplaygroup Playgroup: Every Friday during school term from 9.30am to 11.30am (all ages up to school age). Our wonderful playgroup meets weekly every Friday during the school term in the Church Hall. Mums, Dads, grandparents and carers are invited to bring their children along for a morning of fun and friendship. The playgroup is for children from birth to school age. It has a central theme each week which includes a free play structure where various play and activity... Read more

    Play PlayGroups

    Rated in the Active Activities Top 25 Most Popular Kids Activities for 2017, Kenmore Playschool provides a fun, educational programme with activities both indoors and outdoors. We provide lots of activities including jigsaw puzzles, easel painting, play dough, water play, finger painting, bubble blowing, bathing and dressing dolls, art and craft, cooking, music and story times. It is run by an enthusiastic early childhood teacher with over 30 years experience in the local area. Join our friendly... Read more

    A play centre for infants and toddlers located in Jindalee. Sensory encourages learning through exploration, curiosity, problem solving. We provide a range of sensory activities and sessions throughout the week under parental supervision. Casual drop in: $22.80 Weekly membership: $20.00, $32.00 or $50 ... what we do For infants, toddlers and children under the age of 5 yrs old. Our playhouse provides a range of sensory activities and sessions throughout the week under parental or guardian supervision... Read more

    Stay n Play is a welcoming, safe and inclusive playgroup held in a fully enclosed play yard, for parents/grandparents/carers and children (0-5 years). Our program runs 5 days per week (Monday to Friday) during school term, from 9.30 to 11.30 am. Special events held on 1st week of school holidays. Families bring their own morning tea, hat, sunscreen and change of clothes. Tea/ coffee and cold water are provided. Stay n Play playgroup program is delivered by a qualified Early Childhood Coordinator... Read more


    Not sure if this is for you and your child? That's okay!! We invite you to come along to your first class for FREE!* (*In the event that our classes are at capacity, we will add you to our wait-list and let you know when a spot is available)

    At Hartbeeps we put your child at the heart of our magical, musical adventures! We offer: Weekly baby and toddler classes Daycare, Kindy or Playgroup sessions Monthly Stay & play baby discos Fabulous children's parties Holiday baby and toddler Raves! All of our classes are set to a soundtrack of original songs, remixed nursery rhymes and lullabies. We take you and your little one on a sound journey and bring the story to life. Come and experience the amazing world of Hartbeeps with... Read more

    Cherubs Hub: one provider for all your child and family needs. Easy. It's how Family Day Care should be. Made simple by our teams of local experts, tailoring our services to meet any request. Over a decade of combined experience educating and supporting families throughout Queensland. CCM putting the meaning of family and care, back into Family Day Care. Educate. Children. Support. Families. Read more

    Come & join us for some sunshine, friendship & learning focused activities from 9.30am the first Monday of each month. Hatchling Early Learning educators emphasise the respect for each child's individuality and the chance for a child to develop as a unique person whilst encouraging every child to interact and develop social skills that will become a cornerstone for the child's life. We teach children to pay attention to their peers and respect each other's personal needs and interests. Educators... Read more

    We offer video game parties for kids as well as laser indoor & outdoor tag parties in Brisbane. Read more

    Making Rainbows provides music, movement and sensory play classes for children aged 0-5 years. Read more

    Here at the centre we believe in Family Support; We have trained staff on hand for counselling services as we recognise how valuable this is to the community. Social support in our area is needed to make sure that young people and their families are able to find assistance that is non judgemental and non discriminatory. The Gold Coast City Council’s Northern Gold Coast Social Infrastructure Plan is the basis upon which our centre focuses not just on youth but families. The Oxenford & Coomera Community... Read more

    A program for Mums and Dads to bring their young ones to and enjoy songs, games and meeting each other. The program begins with interactive singing and movement. The program is designed to help children develop their social skills and enjoy play with parents/caregivers and each other. Saturdays at 10 am-11 am. Read more

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