The Health and Mental Health Benefits Singing offers that may surprise you
Working side by side with the health and sports professionals we achieved amazing results and success with the patients and athletes assigned to me for the short period of weeks or sometimes months, improving and resolving issues once holding back a career or there life.
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How to help your child overcome stage fright
How are you meant to make your child feel comfortable on stage? They love performing but the fear can be overwhelming. It can be really scary being so small and in front of a big audience! These simple strategies include assisting with preparation, affirmations and dealing with those dreaded butterflies in the belly - find out how you can work with your child (or students) to move them beyond the fear.
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The benefits of singing
Singing as part of a community choir for kids helps your child in so many ways. In fact, there are many benefits to singing that can be social, physical, emotional and mental. This article will educate you on all the benefits that your kid may get from singing.
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