- Perth CBD, WA
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- Overall rating: 5.0 (9 reviews)
- Awards: #7 Most Popular in the Perth Region for 2024
Singing & Choir Activities for Kids in South West Country
Great Southern, Western Australia (WA)
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A safe environment where young people feel empowered to explore their voice, one song at a time. Does your child love to sing? Do they love songs from the 80's to now - pop and rock songs? That's us too - maybe even some 70s but all clean, uplifting modern sounding songs. At Choirs4Kids we offer ONLINE and IN PERSON singing sessions for ages 4 to 15. There are no auditions, no need to even be able to sing in tune. We carefully select songs and allow every child the opportunity to sing... Read more
Overall rating: 5.0
Inspiring kids to sing with confidence!
03-02-2021 by Evelyn
Sue’s online classes are full of energy and fun. After just a few terms in her class, my teen is singing unabashedly in the car and sometimes at home. It has never happened before. Sue is an inspiration!
Answer from Choirs4Kids on 04-02-2021:
Thank you Evelyn! That is an amazing result for her. I'm so happy that we have been able to help her accept her voice and sing out loud.
Choir4kids Joeys
21-06-2017 by Barbara Bird
My 3 year old granddaughter loves her choir. Sue is fantastic with the children and singing is so good for them. We need Choir4kids north of the river !
Answer from Choirs4Kids on 25-06-2017:
Thanks Barbara, I have loved the North of the River students this term. Here is hoping we can find a new venue and more interested students.
Wonderful classes!
15-06-2017 by Joslyn
My 3yo daughter has been attending lessons this term and absolutely loves the classes! Sue is amazingly lovely and positive and the kids really respond to her. The classes cater for the age group but I can clearly see that the songs and activities are building a good framework for vocals as the kids mature. Highly recommend
Answer from Choirs4Kids on 17-06-2017:
Thank you for your lovely, honest review.
- PO BOX 1126, Bridgetown, WA 6255
- Business can travel to you
- Awards: #17 Most Popular in South West Country for 2024
The Vision: To enhance self-confidence through the art of learning an instrument, i.e. singing, guitar, bass, drums and ukulele and beginner piano. Dissolving any personal and performance anxiety at the root core. Human beings can evolve through personal challenges, tap into their positivity and reach a new dimension through music. To create a relaxed and safe environment that allows students to develop and challenge themselves both musically and personally. We offer a safe and nurturing... Read more
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Western Australia
Great Southern
South West Country
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South West Country
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