Singing & Choir Activities for Kids in the Great Ocean Rd
South Western Victoria, Victoria (VIC)
Best match results for singing & choir activities for kids in the Great Ocean Rd + 5km.
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Streetbeat Music School is a music school that allows people to find their future in music. The school offers lessons in music theory, guitar, bass, acoustic guitar, drums, keyboard, composition, song-writing and voice. The teachers have post-secondary studies in music including studies at MWT Institute and The Australian Guild of Music Education. Philip Connell is a teacher with over 20 years teaching experience in music. He is an experienced musician and has performed in bands such as Rastanaught,... Read more
Overall rating: 5.0
Streetbeat magic
03-07-2015 by Patrick Hallenan
I remember meeting Phil on a bench seat playing his guitar outside a supermarket. From there he opened a small music lesson shop in town and he taught me exactly the songs I wanted to learn. He was very patient with me and friendly. His knowledge in the area of music was very extensive. Wow you have come a long way in the area of music and education since I first met you phil. A website and school, well down fella. I am now writing my own songs and gaining my own confidence in performing at a street level. Have a great day and remember Jesus Loves you :) Patrick
Singing Violin Cello Drums Cajon Guitar Bass Guitar Acoustic Guitar Electric Piano Keyboard Ukulele & Theory Online lessons available Australia wide & Home visits available Melbourne only AMEB, RockSchool, ANZCA practical & theory exams available Read more
Overall rating: 5.0
Fantastic with ELC kids
18-07-2023 by Teddy
Julie is a fantastic guitar teacher that's flexible with scheduling, and knows how to go at your own pace. I highly recommend her if you're looking for a reputable, high quality guitar instructor, whether you're a beginner, or advanced. This charming lady knows what she’s talking about. She’s the only guitar teacher I'll go to. My 3 year old loves having keyboard lessons with her, she’s Fantastic with the ELC age level kids. My son loves playing his keyboard with her and hugs.
What a great class!
12-06-2023 by Nicole Cole
We love these classes. Julie is a great teacher, she has such a natural way to the kids and her love of music really shines through. My son gets so much out of the classes, and so do I. I can now strum a few chords on the ukulele and have picked up loads of new songs and activities to do at home. Plus my son Absolutely loves his piano with Julie. What a great class! Well run and such a fun vibe. A great way to introduce a love of music to a bub- heaps of variety of tunes and instruments to keep the young(and older) entertained. We loved it!
$45 30min Home Visit! She Comes To U :)
22-04-2023 by Adrian
Julie is an amazing guitar teacher. She has been working with daughter & son who are both only 4 years old in ESL. The last few months and been extremely patient during the initial stages of their learning. They have made more progress with her in 2-3 months then I have on my own over 3+ years. Julie is absolutely great and I recommend her to everyone.
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