- 34 Lockwood Crescent, Bunbury, WA 6230
- Business can travel to you
- Awards: #11 Most Popular in South-West for 2024
Preschool Dance in South-West
Great Southern, Western Australia (WA)
Best match results for preschool dance in South-West + 5km.
Boys & Girls KidSport Approved Adults - single or with a partner Bridal Dance Lessons FacebookI/nstrgram BunburyDanceStudio Ballroom - Latin American - Salsa Rueda Argentine Tango - LineDance Private Lessons & Group Classes 6yrs old + & All abilities Cha Cha Cha, Waltz, Rumba, Paso Doble, Jive, Samba, Foxtrot, New Vogue, LineDance, Progressive, Quickstep ect Read more
Smash Dance Company is one of Perth's leading performing arts companies providing each and every child under their guidance with strong technical training, industry knowledge & performance skills, as well as enhancing their personal development and confidence within a positive & supportive network. The SMASH team is full of creative & like-minded staff and students, all wanting to share in the joy and love of dance. Classes are designed to create a positive, safe and encouraging environment to nature... Read more
- hawkers approach, Busselton, WA
- Business can travel to you
- Awards: #24 Most Popular in South-West for 2021
Fun Music, Singing & Movement Classes for children aged 3 months to 5 years. We offer age structured classes with 3 different age groups being babies, toddlers and juniors. Classes are held in Busselton,Bunbury,Dunsborough and Eaton. Develop your child’s - Social Skills - Language - Confidence - Co-ordination - Imagination - Listening Skills Children’s Parties & Daycare Sessions also available! Read more
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Western Australia
Great Southern
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