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Trumpet Teachers for Kids - Queensland (QLD)
Best match results for trumpet teachers for kids in Queensland.
In my extensive range of trumpet classes, you will get complete coverage of trumpet lessons. From basics to advanced, we cover it all. From teaching young students to hold a trumpet to playing a resonant vibrant sound to efficiently playing it with mastery in front of hundreds of people in the audience, I will teach you everything. Read more
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Christensen's have been established for over 20 years offering early childhood music classes for children 3 to 7 years and musical instrument tuition for all ages on Guitar, Ukulele, Keyboard, Piano, Violin, Saxophone, Flute, Clarinet, Trumpet, Trombone and Bass Guitar. (see testimonial below) More Information: 'Music Discovery' classes 3 to 7 yrs : These are excellent small group classes (4 max per class) for young children to make a start with music. Children learn about and gain hands-on experience... Read more