Percussion Classes & Lessons for Kids - the Central Coast
Western Australia (WA)
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Imagine the Joy of Family Music! Pitter Patter Music Together offer weekly music classes in a non-formal, fun, educational environment of family music making for children from birth to age 5, together with those who love them. Music Together is a pioneering, research based program, proven to be effective at developing your child's innate musical ability. There are over 2500 Music Together centres throughout the world, in 43 countries, and now Music Together has come to the Perth Hills in... Read more
Performing Arts
Percussion Classes & Lessons
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Western Australia
Central Coast
- Ajana
- Allanooka
- Alma
- Angelo River
- Arrino
- Arrowsmith
- Arrowsmith East
- Avon Valley National Park
- Badgingarra
- Ballidu
- Bambun
- Barberton
- Beachlands
- Beermullah
- Beresford
- Berkshire Valley
- Bindoon
- Bindoon Training Area
- Binnu
- Bluff Point
- Bonniefield
- Bookara
- Boonanarring
- Bootenal
- Boothendarra
- Bowes
- Breera
- Breton Bay
- Bringo
- Buller
- Bundanoon
- Buntine
- Burma Road
- Cape Burney
- Capricorn
- Carnamah
- Carrarang
- Cataby
- Cervantes
- Coburn
- Coolcalalaya
- Cooljarloo
- Coomberdale
- Coonabidgee
- Coorow
- Cowalla
- Cue
- Cullalla
- Dalwallinu
- Dandaragan
- Dartmoor
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- Dindiloa
- Dongara
- Drummond Cove
- Dudawa
- Durawah
- East Ballidu
- East Bowes
- East Chapman
- East Damboring
- East Nabawa
- East Yuna
- Eganu
- Ellendale
- Eneabba
- Eradu
- Eradu South
- Eurardy
- Francois Peron National Park
- Gabbadah
- Georgina
- Geraldton
- Gillingarra
- Gingin
- Ginginup
- Glenfield
- Glentromie
- Goodlands
- Goomalling
- Granville
- Green Head
- Greenough
- Gregory
- Guilderton
- Gunyidi
- Hamelin Pool
- Hickety
- Hill River
- Holmwood
- Horrocks
- Howatharra
- Hulongine
- Ikewa
- Irwin
- Isseka
- Jibberding
- Jurien Bay
- Kadathinni
- Kalannie
- Kalbarri
- Kalbarri National Park
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- Karloo
- Karranadgin
- Kojarena
- Kondut
- Konnongorring
- Koojan
- Kumarina
- Lake Austin
- Lake Hinds
- Lake Ninan
- Lancelin
- Latham
- Ledge Point
- Leeman
- Lennard Brook
- Lockier
- Lower Chittering
- Mahomets Flats
- Marchagee
- Marne
- Marrah
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- Meadow
- Meekatharra
- Meru
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- Mooriary
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- Mount Erin
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- Narra Tarra
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- Red Gully
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- Regans Ford
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- Rudds Gully
- Sandsprings
- Sandy Gully
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- South Yuna
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- Tarcoola Beach
- The Vines
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- Ucarty West
- Useless Loop
- Utakarra
- Valentine
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- Wandina
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- Wicherina
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- Yallabatharra
- Yallingup Siding
- Yandanooka
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- Yardarino
- Yarragadee
- Yathroo
- Yeal
- Yetna
- Yuna
Central Coast
Western Australia
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