- 8 Schofields Lane, Berry, NSW 2535
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- Awards: #7 Most Popular in the Illawarra & South Coast Region for 2023
Other Music Teaching in the Illawarra & South Coast Region
New South Wales (NSW)
Best match results for other music teaching in the Illawarra & South Coast Region + 5km.
Music Explorers provides HIGH QUALITY, MUSIC EDUCATION for children from 2 to 10 years of age. Groups for PARENTS and BABIES also available. Music Explorers is CREATIVE - ENGAGING - DEVELOPMENTALLY APPROPRIATE - EVIDENCE-INFORMED. This means classes are based on approaches and strategies that really help children enjoy learning while they're developing musical skills and knowledge that prepares them for learning an instrument or singing later on. Classes involve singing, playing musical instruments,... Read more
Musica Encore! is a music program for children of all ages developed and taught by Sophie, an experienced and specialist music teacher. Sophie developed Musica Encore! as she believes that all children should have a music education. Musica Encore! provides a supportive and stimulating learning environment where children come together in a group, once a week during school term and learn rhythm, melody and harmony, through playing a variety of music styles from Baroque to Bossa Nova! Percussion instruments... Read more
Shoalhaven Youth Orchestra and Shoalhaven Junior Strings rehearse every Tuesday during school terms. SJS is for beginner players of string instruments (violin, viola, cello, double bass) and SYO is for more advanced players (usually 12 years+) of string and wind instruments. Players form great friendships and have fun learning to play in a music ensemble and perform regularly throughout the Shoalhaven area. Shoalhaven Youth Orchestra was formed in 2000 and has performed at many significant occasions... Read more
Music education classes for pre-school and primary children auspiced by Shoalhaven Youth Orchestra Inc. As a not-for-profit community organisation, we aim to provide high quality music education at affordable prices. Our classes start from $100 per 9-week term for Level 1. Classes operate during school terms at the Nowra School of Arts, Berry Street, Nowra 2541 and in Berry at the Berry Community Church, Schofields Lane, Berry NSW 2535. When are our classes? Days and times are determined by... Read more
Emma is a specialist flute educator and an AMEB examiner. she has vast experience teaching at all levels...especially the young beginner. Read more
Drum lessons for beginners of all ages within Eurobodalla Shire, on the South Coast of NSW Find us on FB: South Coast Drum Lessons - Eurobodalla NSW Read more