Orchestras for Kids - the Central Coast
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Join Sam and the West Australian Symphony Orchestra for a musical adventure at the Perth Zoo! The former lead singer of The Wiggles is back with songs from his hit Nick Jr. series, Play Along With Sam. Loved by children and families all around the world, Sam Moran likes to play the trumpet and is renowned for writing catchy tune after catchy tune. Guaranteed to get children singing, dancing and jumping along, Sam invites you to join him on a musical adventure with a little help from the West Australian... Read more
Kids Cushion Concerts
Dates: from 30 Nov -1 to 30 Nov -1
In 2016, the West Australian Symphony Orchestra’s Education Chamber Orchestra (EChO) turns 21! The West Australian Symphony Orchestra's 15-piece ensemble performs fun 50-minute shows that introduce young children to the instruments of the symphony orchestra. Expect lots of dancing, giggling, clapping and singing! Meet the musicians after the performance and try our child-sized instruments. Suitable for 0 – 6 year olds. General Public: $17 A one-off handling fee of $5.50 per transaction applies to all purchases. An additional fee of $3.20 per transaction applies for delivery via Registered Post. All ticket / item prices include GST, if applicable, and are quoted in Australian Dollars.
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Central Coast
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Central Coast
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