What Guitar Should I buy?
This is so the guitar strings don't dig into the small fingers of a child. The more Nylon strings the guitar has, the less your fingers will hurt. You will after a few weeks of practice have harder finger tips which will help you get a firm sound from the guitar.
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How Drama Classes Can Help Children Overcome Shyness
Children learn to project their voices, articulate their thoughts, and express their emotions in a supportive environment. This gradual process helps shy children gain the confidence to speak up and interact with others.
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Cello for kids in Sydney
Are your toddlers the kind who loves banging a saucepan with a wooden spoon? Do they clap and sing along with songs on the television? If yes, then maybe your little ones have a natural love and talent for playing music! The best way to find out is to let have a go at learning one.
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Percussions for Kids
Let your kids develop their sense of rhythm with percussion instruments!<br><br>Anything that can be struck or banged can be a percussion instrument - the only limit is your kid’s imagination!
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Electric Guitar for Kids
Could your child be the next Jimi Hendrix?<br><br>The instrument of choice in most popular music today, the electric guitar is perfect for any child who aspires to be a rock star!
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At what age should my child start learning a musical instrument
As a Kindermusik Educator, this has to be one of the most common question I get asked from parents, especially when their child reaches pre-school and Kindy age. While there are always exceptions, in general, my suggestion to parents is to wait until their child is at least 5 or 6 years old. There are many compelling reasons for this - I've outlined some below - milestones by which most 5 or 6-year olds have or are beginning to achieve.
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Cheerleading for Kids
Cheerleading is a great way to participate in the excitement of sporting events! It is extremely popular among young girls and it can be a great way to improve physical fitness and make friends.
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Casting agencies for kids
Get your young actors and models the right representatives! Do your kids like performing or modelling? Do they dream of becoming a star? Casting agencies for kids can help you manage their future!
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Encourage your child to become a confident and independent dancer (tips)
Joining a dance studio may be the first activity your child is about to attend - and their confidence and independence may waver as they try something new. Take a deep breath and jump in, head first with them. There is so much fun to be had. This article shares some tips to help enhance your child's confidence and independence as they learn to dance for the first time.
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Circus Schools for Kids
Give your kids a taste of the spectacular by sending them to a circus school!<br><br>What a terrific way for your children to learn new skills to impress their friends!
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Saxophone for Kids
Introduce your kids to music with this well-known wind instrument!<br><br>. If your kid is bored by classical music, the saxophone could be the instrument for them!
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School Holiday Activities for kids in Sydney
School holidays in New South Wales are never boring with a lot of things to do with kids in Sydney! There are four school holidays in Sydney and NSW. Let your kids enjoy and make the most out of them!
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5 Reasons to be grateful for dance
Yes of course theres the friendships, but how about your best friends parent who is basically a third parent to you. They have helped with your makeup at dance competitions, they’ve hairsprayed stray bits of hair in your bun, they have helped you with a quick change at the concert. They are family.
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Drama classes & lessons for kids
Put your kids under the spotlight! . To keep them busy and entertained, we get them engaged in activities for kids that combines both being active and being creative; and also in a way that their peers and the adults will appreciate them. Why not let them take their chances on the performing arts?
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Kids Activities in Hobart
Discover the coolest things to do with kids in Hobart!<br /><br />Compared to mainland Australian cities, Hobart is relatively small. Despite this, Hobart and the whole state of Tassie has a lot to offer to those who are looking for holiday activities.
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Singing schools for kids
Bring your children’s singing talent to the next level! Singing schools develop children's vocal abilities and let them have fun performing onstage. Find a singing school for your child now!
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4 reasons hip hop dancers should take a ballet class
I was a self proclaimed “anti-ballerina”, leotards and tights made me feel self-conscious and I was often heard telling people “I wasn’t built for ballet.” No, I didn’t (and still don’t) have amazing feet or great turn out and I’m not super flexible. Nor do I possess any of the ideal physical traits of your stereotypical ballerina.<br> But, I have a new mantra now. “Nobody was built for ballet. Ballet was built for us.”<br> This is a first-hand account explaining exactly how ballet can improve your child's hip hop performance.
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