Encourage your child to become a confident and independent dancer (tips)
Joining a dance studio may be the first activity your child is about to attend - and their confidence and independence may waver as they try something new. Take a deep breath and jump in, head first with them. There is so much fun to be had. This article shares some tips to help enhance your child's confidence and independence as they learn to dance for the first time.
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Jazz for Kids
Let your kids discover different music styles by introducing them to jazz!<br><br>Improvisation plays a big part in this music style which makes it great for creative kids who love music!
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The Magic of Early Dance for Kids
Explore how early dance forms like Jazz and Ballet can, boost childrens confidence, creativity, and social skills in a fun, engaging way.
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How to dress your children for exercise in winter
It seems really obvious right – put on a jumper! But knowing how to dress properly in winter is a bit of an art and can make a difference to children when participating in physical activities. This article includes three essential points that will help you to dress your child for physical activity in winter:
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