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Glamour for Kids - the Central Coast
Western Australia (WA)
Best match results for glamour for kids in the Central Coast + 5km.
$20 off your first booking with mention of this listing! Bop Till You Drop is a mobile Children’s Entertainment Company who do Disco and Karaoke Parties for Children. What we provide: • Professional disco entertainer • PA System • Microphone for the children to sing on • Spectacular disco lights What we do: • We conduct a structured disco and karaoke party where the children get to be POP STARS. • Entertainer will teach funky dance moves • Children will sing on real microphones • Will play a variety... Read more
Other related businesses in and around the Central Coast
Parties Kids Remember is Perth’s leading children’s entertainment specialist and has operated successfully since 2001. With over 25 themes it is easy for us to create the perfect birthday for your special little ones! We cater for children aged 3-12 years and if you don't see the theme listed you are hunting for, just ask. We can tailor our themes to suit exactly what you are after. We also specialise in face painting and balloon twisting to add that extra special touch to any party or event. From... Read more
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Western Australia
Central Coast
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Central Coast
Western Australia
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