How to host your first kid’s birthday party
Then their birthday comes around and they ask the dreaded: “Can we have it here?”
“What here, in this house? *gulp*with all your classmates?”
Have no fear, it can be done and it doesn’t have to be all bad!
In fact, it can be fun. Here are some tips on how to host your first kid’s birthday party.

Remember what your child wants
Ok, we’re not saying you have to adhere to the demands of real unicorns, real monsters, or real treasure, when you’re 5 you have some pretty unrealistic expectations. But, you should remember what’s important to them. What they want for their birthday party. Two great questions to get you started are:
- What do you want to do at your party?
- What colour do you want everything to be?
- What cake do you want? (this is always a great inspiration for the theme)
- Do you want your friends to dress up?
Balloons and bubbles. Always.
No matter who they are, or where they’re from, kids have an innate fascination with bubble and balloons. Popping them, playing catch with them, running through them like mad little people. Always have both at your party. When you need a break, break out the bubbles and let them go mad.
Follow the formula for the perfect party
Yes, apparently, there is one? We only just found out about this recently but the perfect formula is age = number of children invited. So if your child is 5 then invite 5 children, 11 invite 11. We’re not entirely sold on this one. Whoever thought this one up clearly hasn’t had an over-excited 5-year-old taking you through their invite list 11 months and 29 days before the party!!
Don’t be too proud to outsource and delegate where you can
Now, your budget will dictate how much you can outsource but if you can, don’t be afraid to. When you have 15 screaming children to cater for, decorate the house, plan the day, organize the games, lolly bags, that’s a lot and can become quite overwhelming. There may be somethings you just can’t let go of. Perhaps it’s really important to you that you make the cake or decorating’s your thing. Whatever it is, pick the top things you, under no circumstances, are prepared to let go off and the delegate or outsource what’s left. If it’s a big party, with lots of family and friends, consider asking those closest to you to bring a plate.
Let go of perfection
Mums are notoriously hard on themselves. They want everything to be perfect. Be the perfect mum, host the perfect party. But you don’t need to be perfect. You and your child just need to have fun. They won’t notice the details, all they’ll remember is the fun that they had at their birthday party. Something always goes wrong at events. Whether it’s someone not turning up, something breaking, or a dish that you’ve forgotten to prepare. Just breathe, laugh it off, and if that doesn’t work, drink wine.
Write. It. Down.
Lists, lists and more lists. With so many details going around in your head, it’s inevitable that something will get forgotten. Every idea, plan, boring thing you need to do, that comes into your head. That will not only make it easier to manage, it’ll make it easier to delegate too.
Have a plan B
Always have a back-up plan. Something to fill time when something isn’t going to plan. Say the entertainer is stuck in traffic and won’t be there for another hour. You’ll need to have something on hand to fill the time. That could be a party game such as pass the parcel, or a pin the tail on the donkey. Whatever it is, the children won’t realise anything’s wrong because they’ll be having way too much fun.
Don’t forget to have fun
Sometimes we can get so consumed with what’s happening next, or what should be happening, we forget to have fun. This is a party and parties are a meant to be fun for everyone. Take time to watch your child and take in their excitement as they have a great time with their friends.
For more information about how to create the perfect children's birthday party, please contact the expert contributor.
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