Abseiling for kids
Abseiling, also known as rapelling, is the descent of a rock climber from the peak of a cliff or slope. Whether it’s for adventure or rescue, it is essentially important to practice and to master abseiling for a number of reasons. Australian rappel is probably one of the most extreme sports where the descent involves facing down.
- Category: Sports
- Approximate age to start abseiling: 7
- Approximate price: Average price of $140. This activity comprises of: abseiling, abseiling rules, anchors, coaching,descenders, elbow pads, gloves, harnesses, helmets, knee pads, knots, prusik, ropes, training
- Best period of the year: All year round
- Great abseiling spots: Adelaide Hills (South Australia), Blue Mountains (NSW), Bluff Knoll (Western Australia), Cotter Rocks (Australian Capital Territory), Kangaroo Point Cliff (QLD)
- School holiday programs available: YES

A video of Abseiling for kids
Information on abseiling for kids
Is abseiling for your kids?
What adventure is adventurous enough for everyone including your kids? If you’re a sport fanatic who has constantly been trying to find more ways to engage your family to sports, abseiling is a good school holiday adventure for your little climbers who are into climbing, or wish to be. For many reasons, abseiling is one of the most important keys in sports, caving, racing, rescue, and military. Abseiling is among the few kids activities that will surely lead to closer ties with family and friends!
In Australia, activities for kids are as important as the schools we choose for our children. Abseiling as a kids activity may lead you to thinking twice, but you don’t have to worry about your kids safety if you choose a licensed and certified camp where kids can be given adequate attention for them to master one of the fundamentals of mountaineering. Indoor rock climbing is a great start for your kids to learn abseiling skills before they delve into the more demanding abseiling outdoor activities for kids.
ActiveActivities directory is a great source for your family to jumpstart an abseiling adventure! You have access to various camps and clinics which offer abseiling for kids. Most camps provide the necessary equipment to get you and your kids started.
Here are some tips to prepare your family for an exhilarating experience that you will enjoy:
- Discuss your new adventure as a family
- Make sure that you draft an excellent list of abseiling camps for kids
- Before taking it further, you must be sure that you and your kids are comfortable with your new sport
- Choose a camp that is reputable among abseiling enthusiasts
- Consult representatives from various camps, and discuss your issues and concerns about the sport
- Decide which camp meets your standards
- If you enrol your kids to an abseiling camp, commit your time and supervise them regularly
Get your kids to start abseiling!
Abseiling is a breathtaking adventure that will surely amaze you as you lay eyes on the wonderful panoramic view of the rich nature of Australia. While you are up for an adventure with your kids, please bear in mind that most camps will constantly remind you that environmental impacts must be minimised. This ordinance is for you and your kids’ safety. There are also prohibited areas where you need to secure a permit from the Regional Manager. It is wise to stick to your coach or abseiling camp’s game plan for you to know which areas are suitable for outdoor abseiling especially when it comes to abseiling for kids. With regards to age, there are some toddlers who are already trying to learn the ropes of abseiling, but it is wise to choose abseiling for kids when your precious ones are physically and mentally fit at the age of 7.
What are the equipment needed for abseiling?
- Ropes for climbing and descending
- Anchors for safe abseiling set-up
- Boots or sturdy footwear for good foot grips
- Climbing harness around the waist to secure the descender
- Descender friction device for control
- Gloves to protect the hands and to protect from hits with the wall
- Helmets to protect the head
- Knee and elbow pads for protection of joints during crawls or hits
- Prusik, Klemheist knot or Bachmann knot for safety back-up
- Ropes for climbing and descending
Here is a short list of popular abseiling locations in different states:
- Adelaide Hills (South Australia)
- Blue Mountains (New South Wales)
- Bluff Knoll (Western Australia)
- Cotter Rocks (Australian Capital Territory)
- Kangaroo Point Cliff (Queensland)
What are some of the things to bring?
- Rubber grip-hold water bottle
- Hat
- Sunscreen lotion
- Any medication including first-aid
- Comfortable closed-in rubber shoes
Try abseiling with your kids! It’s a one of a kind adventure that will let your family reach great heights! With the help of abseiling, your family can be part of charity events that hold abseiling events for children and parents. Are you adventurous enough? Check out ActiveActivities directory to learn more about abseiling.