Hobbies School Holiday Activities for Kids in the Ballarat & Western District Region
South Western Victoria, Victoria (VIC)
Best match results for hobbies school holiday activities for kids in the Ballarat & Western District Region + 5km.
The Ballarat Tramway Museum is staffed by volunteer members who are dedicated to the task of preserving and operating part of the former Ballarat street tramways. Trams operates between 12:30 and 5pm every weekend and public holiday and during the Victorian school holidays. The trams run along Wendouree Parade through the beautiful and historic Botanical Gardens. Nearby Lake Wendouree is visible for most of the journey of fifteen to twenty minutes. During 2015 there is a special display at the... Read more
Lexton Pottery School Holiday Pottery Workshops Come along to Lexton Pottery make a Christmas tree or Angel with clay. Create your own handmade xmas decorations. Return to glaze and colour your creations. All Clay,Glaze,Firing, use of tools and equipment included. Lynda Kent potter and ceramic artist. Handmade Stoneware Pottery. Tableware and Decorative piece's. Cups, bowls, platters, gravy boats, pate pots, jugs and sugar bowls. All servingware Ovenproof, Dishwasher safe, Microwave safe. Lexton... Read more
All locations
South Western Victoria
Ballarat & Western District
- Adelaide Lead
- Alfredton
- Alfredton
- Allendale
- Alma
- Amherst
- Amphitheatre
- Ascot
- Avoca
- Bakery Hill
- Bald Hills
- Ballan
- Ballarat
- Ballarat Central
- Ballarat East
- Ballarat North
- Ballarat West
- Ballyrogan
- Bamganie
- Barkly
- Barkstead
- Basalt
- Bayindeen
- Beaufort
- Beazleys Bridge
- Bellellen
- Bellfield
- Beremboke
- Berringa
- Black Hill
- Black Range
- Blakeville
- Blampied
- Blowhard
- Bo Peep
- Bolwarrah
- Bonshaw
- Bowenvale
- Bradvale
- Brewster
- Broomfield
- Brown Hill
- Buangor
- Bullarook
- Bullarto
- Bullarto South
- Bunding
- Bung Bong
- Bungal
- Bungaree
- Buninyong
- Bunkers Hill
- Burnbank
- Burrumbeet
- Cabbage Tree
- Cambrian Hill
- Campbelltown
- Canadian
- Cape Clear
- Caralulup
- Carapooee
- Carapooee West
- Cardigan
- Cardigan Village
- Cargerie
- Carngham
- Carranballac
- Chapel Flat
- Chepstowe
- Chute
- Clarendon
- Claretown
- Clarkes Hill
- Clunes
- Clydesdale
- Coghills Creek
- Colbrook
- Coomoora
- Corindhap
- Cotswold
- Craigie
- Creswick
- Creswick North
- Cross Roads
- Daisy Hill
- Dalyenong
- Daylesford
- Dean
- Delacombe
- Denver
- Dereel
- Derrinallum
- Drummond
- Dry Diggings
- Dunach
- Dunnstown
- Durdidwarrah
- Durham Lead
- Eganstown
- Elaine
- Elevated Plains
- Elmhurst
- Enfield
- Ercildoune
- Eureka
- Evansford
- Fiskville
- Flagstaff
- Franklinford
- Garibaldi
- Glen Park
- Glenbrae
- Glendaruel
- Glendonnell
- Glengower
- Glenlofty
- Glenlogie
- Glenlyon
- Glenpatrick
- Golden Point
- Gong Gong
- Gordon
- Grenville
- Haddon
- Happy Valley
- Havelock
- Hepburn
- Hepburn Springs
- Hillcrest
- Homebush
- Illabarook
- Ingliston
- Invermay
- Invermay Park
- Kingston
- Kooroocheang
- Korweinguboora
- Lake Bolac
- Lake Gardens
- Lake Goldsmith
- Lake Wendouree
- Lake Wongan
- Lal Lal
- Lamplough
- Langdons Hill
- Langi Kal Kal
- Larralea
- Lawrence
- Learmonth
- Leigh Creek
- Leonards Hill
- Lexton
- Lillicur
- Linton
- Lismore
- Lyonville
- Magpie
- Main Lead
- Majorca
- Mannibadar
- Marnoo East
- Marnoo West
- Maryborough
- Mena Park
- Meredith
- Middle Creek
- Millbrook
- Miners Rest
- Mingay
- Mininera
- Mitchell Park
- Mokepilly
- Mollongghip
- Moolort
- Moonambel
- Moonlight Flat
- Morrisons
- Mount Beckworth
- Mount Bolton
- Mount Bute
- Mount Cameron
- Mount Clear
- Mount Doran
- Mount Egerton
- Mount Emu
- Mount Franklin
- Mount Glasgow
- Mount Helen
- Mount Lonarch
- Mount Mercer
- Mount Pleasant
- Mount Prospect
- Mount Rowan
- Mount Wallace
- Moyreisk
- Musk
- Musk Vale
- Napoleons
- Natte Yallock
- Navigators
- Nerrin Nerrin
- Nerrina
- Nerring
- Newington
- Newlyn
- Newlyn North
- Newtown
- Nintingbool
- Nowhere Creek
- Percydale
- Piggoreet
- Pitfield
- Pittong
- Pootilla
- Porcupine Ridge
- Raglan
- Rathscar
- Rathscar West
- Red Lion
- Redan
- Redbank
- Rocklyn
- Rokewood
- Rokewood Junction
- Ross Creek
- Rostron
- Sailors Falls
- Sailors Hill
- Scarsdale
- Scotchmans Lead
- Scotsburn
- Sebastopol
- Shepherds Flat
- Simson
- Skipton
- Smeaton
- Smokey Town
- Smythes Creek
- Smythesdale
- Snake Valley
- Soldiers Hill
- Spargo Creek
- Springbank
- Springdallah
- Springmount
- Staffordshire Reef
- Stawell
- Stockyard Hill
- Stoneleigh
- Stony Creek
- Strangways
- Strathlea
- Streatham
- Stuart Mill
- Sulky
- Talbot
- Tanwood
- Timor
- Timor West
- Tourello
- Trawalla
- Ullina
- Vite Vite
- Vite Vite North
- Wallace
- Wallinduc
- Wareek
- Warrenheip
- Warrenmang
- Waterloo
- Wattle Flat
- Waubra
- Weatherboard
- Wendouree
- Werneth
- Werona
- Westmere
- Wheatsheaf
- Willowvale
- Windermere
- Winjallok
- Yalla-Y-Poora
- Yandoit
- Yandoit Hills
- Yendon
- York Plains
Ballarat & Western District
South Western Victoria
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