- PO Box 478, Morley, WA 6062
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- Overall rating: 5.0 (40 reviews)
- Awards: #1 Most Popular in Perth Inner City for 2024
Hobby Activities for Kids - Perth Hills
the Perth Region, Western Australia (WA)
Best match results for hobby activities for kids in Perth Hills + 5km.
23x Perth metro & Country locations, including: Albany, Armadale, Beechboro, Bassendean, Bayswater, Ballajura, Bicton, Bedford, Brentwood, Canning Vale, Cockburn, Como, Churchlands, Duncraig, Greenmount, Mt Lawley, Nedlands, North Beach, Ocean Reef, Subiaco, Thornlie, Woodvale, & Yokine. First Tae Kwon Do D teaches the original, non-competitive style of Taekwondo, which emphasises practical self-defence skills and the physical/mental development of our members. Our members train twice weekly... Read more
Term and Holiday Art Classes for ages 5 - 15 years Dandylion Art classes are a time of fun, creative exploration through a wide range of arts and crafts. Each lesson we have a learning objective wrapped up in a fun project, where we encourage the kids to explore their own creative interests, problem solve and utilise different mediums. We believe the kids take away more than artworks and new skills at the end of each lesson. We encourage them to enjoy the process, find solutions that work for them... Read more
Does your child enjoy art and craft? Would you like them to do more, but lack the time, or worry about mess? Enrol them with Budding Artists - term and holiday art classes for kids aged 5-12 years. Experienced teacher, Kirsty McIntosh, helps children explore a variety of art/craft materials and techniques, often activities that are requested by the budding artists! Art history and traditional art themes are included, as well as more modern projects. Fee discounts apply for enrolling more than one... Read more
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Little Kaleidoscope Table offers nutrition education and cooking workshops to children throughout the Perth metropolitan area. Our facilitator, Narelle is a qualified Nutritionist and mum with over a decade of experience in nutrition education and has delivered hundreds of workshops to a variety of ages and cultural groups. She is passionate about teaching children about good nutrition in order to instil healthy eating habits from a young age that will then last a lifetime! Our workshops are very... Read more
- Unit 4 / 385 Sevenoaks St, Cannington, WA 6107
- Business can travel to you
Beautiful Photography made simple. Share your vision with the world. Discover how to get more out of your Digital SLR and take your photography to the next level! Gain confidence with your digital camera in our 1 Day Beginners Course or over 2 weeknight sessions. Learn the basic fundamentals of photography including how to shoot in Manual Mode, so that you can consistently create the beautiful images you want every time, rather than hoping you get lucky on auto mode. Read more