Chess for kids in Sydney
Chess is a great way your kids can spend a rainy day. With nothing but a board and set of chess pieces needed to get started, it couldn't be simpler! Once they've learned the basics, there is no limit to the level of skill your children can achieve with practice of this intellectually stimulating activity.
- Category: Play
- Approximate age to start : 7 years old and up to understand and apply rules
- Approximate price: $30 and up depending on size and quality
- Best period of the year: All year, especially rainy times

Information on chess in Sydney
Why is chess in Sydney a great game for my kids?
Chess is a sport that has been around for hundreds of years, enjoyed and respected by nobility, Kings and Queens around the world throughout the ages. Today it's one of the most popular activities for kids in Sydney, with chess clubs in many schools as well as dedicated chess groups in most local areas.
Amongst the rainy day kids activities you could choose from, this one is sure to be more worth your family's time than any computer game.
There is of course chess online too, so your children can practice on the computer to become a junior chess champion if they like this popular board game enough!
Children and adults can play together and the game teaches fair sportsmanship when one person wins, or even when there is a draw. Chess is also a game that encourages logic and strategic thinking while having fun. Improving these skills can help your kids concentrate and achieve better results at school.
The New South Wales Chess Association runs a number of chess tournaments in Sydney, so if your youngsters enjoy chess, they can be encouraged and stay interested by going along watch these events. These also double as great family outings where you can spend quality time with your kids.
How can I get my kids started playing chess in Sydney?
There are a number of clubs for chess for kids in Sydney, whose junior competitions are open to join. Sydney chess competitions are usually categorized by age for kids, so it could also be a great way for your little ones to make friends.
Toddlers and young children can start with the simpler version of the game by learning checkers, which uses round pieces on a chess board and less complex rules.
Encourage your kids to play chess today!
Chess teams and other keen players of the game often post instructional videos online, showing how to play. You and your children can use these as a way of getting started - there are lots of YouTube videos that come up in simple searches.
Sydney chess venues are not the only ones around - chess is popular all over Australia too! So if your kids enjoy chess, they will have something in common with others everywhere they go.
Check the ActiveActivities directory today for a full listing of community centres and other groups where your kids can play chess with their friends today!