Entertainment School Holiday Activities for Kids in South-West
Best match results for entertainment school holiday activities for kids in South-West + 5km.
Trees Adventure is Australia’s premier tree top adventure ropes experience. Our 5 parks around Australia feature exciting and challenging obstacle courses high up in the tree canopy, that will have all the family swinging, leaping, climbing and flying through the forest – allowing thrill seekers and nature enthusiasts to experience the trees like never before Our sessions run for 2 hours (includes training). From 4 years and up, there is different courses for the whole family to enjoy! Early arrival... Read more
Massive Indoor Playcentre, with Muffin Break Cafe onsite. Family play fun, parties, and school holiday entertainment and workshops. Mon - Fri 9am-5pm, Saturday & Sunday 9am - 4:30pm Read more
Mother's Group
Mother's Group bookings of 4 or more receive $8 entry, Monday to Friday only, NOT DURING SCHOOL HOLIDAYS
All locations
Western Australia
Great Southern
- Abba River
- Abbey
- Aldersyde
- Allanson
- Amelup
- Argyle
- Arthur River
- Australind
- Badgebup
- Badgerin Rock
- Bailup
- Balingup
- Ballaying
- Bannister
- Barbalin
- Beacon
- Beedelup
- Beela
- Bencubbin
- Benger
- Beverley
- Biddelia
- Bimbijy
- Binningup
- Birchmont
- Blythewood
- Bobalong
- Bonnie Rock
- Booralaming
- Borden
- Boundain
- Bowelling
- Boxwood Hill
- Boyanup
- Boyerine
- Bremer Bay
- Brookhampton
- Brookton
- Broomehill
- Broomehill East
- Broomehill Village
- Broomehill West
- Brunswick
- Buckingham
- Bullfinch
- Bulyee
- Bunbury
- Burekup
- Busselton
- Callcup
- Carbunup River
- Cardiff
- Cardup
- Carey Park
- Carlotta
- Cartmeticup
- Channybearup
- Cheynes
- Chittering
- Cleary
- Codjatotine
- Collanilling
- College Grove
- Collie
- Collie Burn
- Collingwood Heights
- Collins
- Commodine
- Contine
- Cookernup
- Coolup
- Cowcowing
- Cranbrook
- Crooked Brook
- Crossman
- Cuballing
- Dalyellup
- Dandanning
- Dardanup
- Dardanup West
- Darkan
- Dartnall
- Davenport
- Denbarker
- Denmark
- Dinninup
- Dongolocking
- Dryandra
- Dukin
- Dumberning
- Dumbleyung
- Dwellingup
- East Bunbury
- East Popanyinning
- Eaton
- Elachbutting
- Elgin
- Ennuin
- Fairbridge
- Ferguson
- Forrest Beach
- Frankland River
- Gabbin
- Gelorup
- Glen Iris
- Glencoe
- Gnowangerup
- Gnowellen
- Goode Beach
- Green Range
- Greenbushes
- Gundaring
- Gwindinup
- Hamel
- Harris River
- Harrismith
- Harvey
- Henty
- Hester
- Highbury
- Hillside
- Hoffman
- Holyoake
- Hopetoun
- Inglehope
- Jacup
- Jaloran
- Jelcobine
- Jerramungup
- Jitarning
- Kalgan
- Kangaroo Gully
- Karloning
- Katanning
- Kendenup
- Kenmare
- Kirup
- Kojaneerup South
- Kojonup
- Koorda
- Korrelocking
- Kukerin
- Kulin
- Kulin West
- Kulja
- Kweda
- Lake Brown
- Lake Clifton
- Lake Grace
- Lake Jasper
- Lake Margarette
- Lake Toolbrunup
- Leschenault
- Lime Lake
- Lockyer
- Lol Gray
- Lowden
- Lyalls Mill
- Manypeaks
- Mariginiup
- Marrinup
- Marybrook
- Mcalinden
- Meelon
- Melaleuca
- Metricup
- Mettler
- Millbridge
- Minding
- Minigin
- Mira Mar
- Mollerin
- Moonies Hill
- Mornington
- Mount Barker
- Mount Melville
- Mouroubra
- Muja
- Mukinbudin
- Mumballup
- Mumberkine
- Mundijong
- Mungalup
- Myalup
- Myara
- Nalkain
- Nambeelup
- Nanga Brook
- Narrikup
- Narrogin
- Narrogin Valley
- Naturaliste
- Needilup
- Nembudding
- Newcarlbeon
- Newdegate
- Nippering
- Nirimba
- Noggerup
- Nomans Lake
- North Boyanup
- North Dandalup
- North Wialki
- North Yelbeni
- Nukarni
- Nyabing
- Oakley
- Ongerup
- Orana
- Palgarup
- Palmdale
- Palmer
- Paradise
- Parkfield
- Peerabeelup
- Pelican Point
- Pemberton
- Peppermint Grove Beach
- Perillup
- Picton
- Picton East
- Piesseville
- Pingelly
- Pingrup
- Pinjarra
- Point Grey
- Popanyinning
- Porongurup
- Preston Beach
- Preston Settlement
- Queenwood
- Quinninup
- Ravensthorpe
- Ravenswood
- Redmond
- Redmond West
- Ringbark
- Rocky Gully
- Roelands
- Scott River
- Shotts
- Smith Brook
- South Bunbury
- South Stirling
- South Yunderup
- Spencer Park
- Stirling Estate
- Stratham
- Stratherne
- Takalarup
- Tambellup
- Teesdale
- Tenterden
- The Plains
- Thomson Brook
- Tonebridge
- Toolibin
- Torbay
- Townsendale
- Uduc
- Upper Capel
- Upper Warren
- Usher
- Vasse
- Vittoria
- Wagerup
- Wagin
- Walpole
- Wandering
- Wansbrough
- Warawarrup
- Wardering
- Waroona
- Waterloo
- Wattoning
- Welbungin
- Wellesley
- Wellington Forest
- Wellington Mill
- Wellstead
- West Busselton
- West Popanyinning
- Westwood
- Whitby
- Wialki
- Wickepin
- Wilga
- Wilgarrup
- Wilgoyne
- Williams
- Wilyabrup
- Withers
- Wokalup
- Wonnerup
- Woodanilling
- Worsley
- Wuraming
- Wyalkatchem
- Yabberup
- Yakamia
- Yarloop
- Yeagarup
- Yilliminning
- Yoongarillup
- Yornaning
- Yourdamung Lake
Great Southern
Western Australia
All locations
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