- Ulverstone, TAS
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- Awards: #4 Most Popular in the Devonport & North West Region for 2024
Subjects Activities for Kids in the Devonport & North West Region
Tasmania (TAS)
Best match results for subjects activities for kids in the Devonport & North West Region + 5km.
Science and Wonders is based in Ulverstone in North West Tasmania. We offer fun and educational science activities. We do birthday parties for all ages, science support for primary school classrooms, and school holiday or after school workshops for childcare centres. Colin, our qualified scientist, is experienced in engaging children in exploration and discovery-based, hands-on activities or lessons. He encourages creative scientific thinking and questioning. All equipment and consumables... Read more
All locations
Devonport & North West
- Abbotsham
- Aberdeen
- Acacia Hills
- Acton
- Ambleside
- Arthur River
- Barrington
- Beulah
- Black River
- Boat Harbour
- Boat Harbour Beach
- Brittons Swamp
- Brooklyn
- Bungaree
- Burnie
- Calder
- Camdale
- Camena
- Castra
- Central Castra
- Cethana
- Chasm Creek
- Christmas Hills
- Claude Road
- Cooee
- Couta Rocks
- Cowrie Point
- Crayfish Creek
- Cuprona
- Currie
- Devonport
- Doctors Rocks
- Don
- Downlands
- East Cam
- East Devonport
- East Ridgley
- Edgcumbe Beach
- Edith Creek
- Egg Lagoon
- Elliott
- Emu Heights
- Erriba
- Eugenana
- Flowerdale
- Forest
- Forth
- Forthside
- Gawler
- Gowrie Park
- Grassy
- Gunns Plains
- Hampshire
- Harford
- Havenview
- Hawley Beach
- Hellyer
- Henrietta
- Heybridge
- Highclere
- Hillcrest
- Howth
- Irishtown
- Kindred
- King Island
- Lapoinya
- Latrobe
- Leith
- Liena
- Lileah
- Lillico
- Loongana
- Loorana
- Lorinna
- Lower Barrington
- Lower Wilmot
- Loyetea
- Lymwood
- Marrawah
- Mawbanna
- Mella
- Melrose
- Mengha
- Merseylea
- Meunna
- Miandetta
- Middlesex
- Milabena
- Moina
- Montagu
- Montello
- Montumana
- Mooreville
- Moorleah
- Moriarty
- Mount Hicks
- Mount Roland
- Myalla
- Nabageena
- Naracoopa
- Natone
- Nietta
- Nook
- North Motton
- Northdown
- Nowhere Else
- Nugara
- Ocean Vista
- Oldina
- Oonah
- Paloona
- Paradise
- Park Grove
- Parklands
- Parrawe
- Pearshape
- Pegarah
- Penguin
- Port Sorell
- Preolenna
- Preservation Bay
- Preston
- Promised Land
- Quoiba
- Railton
- Redpa
- Reekara
- Riana
- Ridgley
- Rocky Cape
- Roger River
- Roland
- Romaine
- Round Hill
- Sassafras
- Scopus
- Sea Elephant
- Shearwater
- Sheffield
- Shorewell Park
- Sisters Beach
- Sisters Creek
- Smithton
- Somerset
- South Burnie
- South Nietta
- South Preston
- South Riana
- South Spreyton
- Spalford
- Sprent
- Spreyton
- Squeaking Point
- Stanley
- Staverton
- Stony Rise
- Stoodley
- Stowport
- Sulphur Creek
- Sunnyside
- Surprise Bay
- Table Cape
- Takone
- Tarleton
- Tewkesbury
- Thirlstane
- Togari
- Trowutta
- Tugrah
- Turners Beach
- Ulverstone
- Upper Burnie
- Upper Castra
- Upper Natone
- Upper Stowport
- Wesley Vale
- West Kentish
- West Montagu
- West Mooreville
- West Pine
- West Ridgley
- West Takone
- West Ulverstone
- Wickham
- Wilmot
- Wivenhoe
- Wynyard
- Yambacoona
- Yarra Creek
- Yolla
Devonport & North West
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