Reading & Libraries for Kids in Victoria (VIC)
Best match results for reading & libraries for kids in Victoria.
Learnmate is a trusted marketplace that helps connect individuals all over Australia with quality tutors who want to share their skills, knowledge and experience. Learnmate's tutors are the go-to for individuals and families all across Australia, including: - parents and students looking for personalised school tutoring support (from as young as ELC to Year 12) - professionals looking for business or life coaching, and - individuals or groups looking to learn a new language, instrument or skill... Read more
Bonus six month membership
Enjoy play from the start by borrowing from our collection of infant and beginner toys. Families can join for a full year membership and receive an additional six months to the membership when you join with your first child before they turn six months old. N.B. Concession is available when showing a valid approved concession card. See website to learn what more. Only valid when signing up to 12 month membership. This does not half the fees, instead increase the membership length to 18 months. Duty is still six hours over the 18 months or duty levy can be paid if you opt not to complete duty. This is not refundable or transferrable.
The Goldfields Library Corporation is a regional library service serving the City of Greater Bendigo, Loddon Shire, Macedon Ranges Shire, and Mount Alexander Shire in Victoria. Read more
Frankston Toy Library is an invaluable not-for-profit organisation that has been assisting families in Frankston and the surrounding area since 1977. We provide families, community groups and organisations that work with children with a host of quality toys, educational aids, games and equipment for all developmental stages of childhood and the primary school years. We are also one of the largest providers of sensory play toys and special development aids. With over 12000 items to choose from... Read more
Moorabbin Area Toy Library is a non-profit organisation serving the Glen Eira & Kingston community since 1987. As a community organisation, we are run predominantly by our members and volunteers. We have over 2,000 toys for loan to meet the ever-changing play needs of babies and young children, including themed party packs & kids' table & chair hire. Play is an essential element of a child’s early life. Play enables children to interact and learn about themselves and the world around them.... Read more
what is Books for Kids? Books for Kids Helps place new books into the hands of at-risk children through collaborations with schools, social service agencies, preschools, and early childhood centres. Read more
The Box Hill Area Toy Library is a parent initiated and volunteer operated, not-for-profit association, where parents or carers, can go to borrow a wide variety of educational toys, puzzles and games for children aged 6 months to 6 years. Read more
Fun and Educational weekly classes for preschoolers designed to compliment the play based learning that occurs at kindergarten and prepare children for the transition to school. Read more
Little Learners Love Literacy has a passion for helping ALL children to read, write and spell. There are a number of independent centres offering fun pre-school classes to prepare children for the next step to school. Children love learning about Milo and his friends using the Milo's Birthday Surprise book, playing games with sounds, blending sounds to make words and 'rainbow writing'. Centres are listed on the Little Learners Love Literacy website. Read more