- Mary Davies Library, Baldivis, WA 6171
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Public Speaking Classes & Lessons - the Coastal South
the Perth Region, Western Australia (WA)
Best match results for public speaking classes & lessons in the Coastal South + 5km.
The School of Charm is a delightful mixture of the finishing schools of yesteryear with a solid building of self-esteem and knowledge in young ladies and gentlemen to blossom, mix and mingle into today’s modern society. Modelling classes with trimmings of health and beauty, performance, public speaking, posture and positive interaction with peers. The courses at The School of Charm all have the same main objective - to improve students self confidence, self awareness and self esteem while having... Read more
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Next workshop is Saturday and Sunday January 20/21, 2018 Myles Pollards’ 2 day Children’s Acting Class / Workshop held At Murdoch University aims to give students an experience and instruction in “real acting process suitable for film and television work. It is much more of a crash course template that overviews the key components of acting. It will cover off on basic objective work, staying in the moment and focusing on the other person but has a lighter more entertaining tone designed for younger... Read more