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Next workshop is Saturday and Sunday January 20/21, 2018 Myles Pollards’ 2 day Children’s Acting Class / Workshop held At Murdoch University aims to give students an experience and instruction in “real acting process suitable for film and television work. It is much more of a crash course template that overviews the key components of acting. It will cover off on basic objective work, staying in the moment and focusing on the other person but has a lighter more entertaining tone designed for younger... Read more
Children's 1 day Acting Workshop with Myles Pollard - MARGARET RIVER
Dates: from 30 Nov -1 to 30 Nov -1
ONE DAY WORKSHOP Myles Pollards’ 1 day Children’s Acting Class / Workshop held in Margaret River aims to give students in the South West experience and instruction in “real acting process suitable for film and television work. It is much more of a crash course template that overviews the key components of acting. It will cover off on basic objective work, staying in the moment and focusing on the other person but has a lighter more entertaining tone designed for younger students and their attention spans. The class is taken entirely by Myles. Aims: The course also aims to give students simple self-management skills that can help control nerves allowing them to explore their unique personalities (vocally and physically) to communicate effectively and with confidence. Age: The one-day acting for camera ‘introduction’ is for children between the ages of 9-13. The content will cover screen-acting fundamentals. Length: The one-day workshop for children will begin at 10am and end at 4pm. Held at South West Institute of Technology in Margaret River. Cost: $250 per child Next Workshop: Wednesday January 13th, 2016 Bookings: Places are limited. To secure your place or for further information please email Simone $250 per child
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