Museums for Kids in the Greater Bendigo Region
Northern Victoria, Victoria (VIC)
Best match results for museums for kids in the Greater Bendigo Region + 5km.
Welcome to the Golden Dragon Museum, the ‘Chinese Cultural Centre of Australia’. The museum opened in 1991 to document, interpret and preserve the Chinese heritage in Australia. Come, enjoy and learn about the Chinese experience of the Bendigo goldfields, from the past to the present. See the colourful display of the ‘living’ collection of the Chinese dragons and associated regalia used in the annual Bendigo Easter procession, to help raise funds for local charities since 1871. The Golden Dragon... Read more
All locations
Northern Victoria
Greater Bendigo Region
- Archdale Junction
- Argyle
- Arnold
- Arnold West
- Ascot
- Ashbourne
- Auchmore
- Avonmore
- Axe Creek
- Axedale
- Bagshot
- Bagshot North
- Ballendella
- Bamawm
- Barfold
- Baringhup
- Baringhup West
- Barkers Creek
- Barnadown
- Baynton
- Baynton East
- Bealiba
- Bears Lagoon
- Bendigo
- Berrimal
- Bet Bet
- Betley
- Big Hill
- Bonn
- Borung
- Bradford
- Brenanah
- Bridgewater
- Bridgewater North
- Bridgewater On Loddon
- Broadford
- Bromley
- Brumby
- Burkes Flat
- Burnewang
- Burramboot
- Cadello
- California Gully
- Calivil
- Campbells Creek
- Campbells Forest
- Carisbrook
- Carlsruhe
- Castlemaine
- Cherokee
- Chewton
- Chewton Bushlands
- Chirrip
- Cobaw
- Cochranes Creek
- Colbinabbin
- Coonooer Bridge
- Cornella
- Corop
- Costerfield
- Deddick Valley
- Derby
- Derrinal
- Diggora
- Dingee
- Drummartin
- Drummond North
- Dunluce
- Dunolly
- Dunolly
- Eaglehawk
- Eaglehawk North
- East Bendigo
- Eastville
- Eddington
- Edgecombe
- Elmore
- Elphinstone
- Emu
- Emu Creek
- Eppalock
- Epsom
- Fairy Dell
- Faraday
- Fentons Creek
- Fern Hill
- Fernihurst
- Fiery Flat
- Flora Hill
- Forbes
- Fosterville
- Fryerstown
- Glenalbyn
- Glenaroua
- Glenhope
- Glenhope East
- Glenluce
- Gobarup
- Golden Gully
- Golden Point
- Golden Square
- Goldfields
- Goldie
- Goldsborough
- Goornong
- Gowar East
- Gower
- Graytown
- Green Gully
- Greenhill
- Guildford
- Harcourt
- Harcourt North
- Heathcote
- Heathcote South
- Hesket
- High Camp
- Hunter
- Huntly
- Huntly North
- Inglewood
- Inkerman
- Irishtown
- Ironbark
- Jackass Flat
- Jarklin
- Joyces Creek
- Junortoun
- Kamarooka
- Kamarooka North
- Kangaroo Flat
- Kennington
- Kerrie
- Kilmore
- Kilmore East
- Kimbolton
- Kingower
- Kinypanial
- Knowsley
- Kooreh
- Korong Vale
- Kurraca
- Kurraca West
- Kurting
- Kyneton
- Kyneton South
- Laanecoorie
- Ladys Pass
- Lake Eppalock
- Langley
- Lansell Plaza
- Lauriston
- Leichardt
- Little Hampton
- Llanelly
- Lockington
- Lockwood
- Lockwood South
- Logan
- Long Gully
- Longlea
- Lyal
- Maiden Gully
- Maldon
- Malmsbury
- Mandurang
- Mandurang South
- Marong
- Mcintyre
- Mckenzie Hill
- Metcalfe
- Metcalfe East
- Mia Mia
- Milloo
- Mitiamo
- Moliagul
- Moonlight Flat
- Moormbool West
- Moranding
- Mount Camel
- Mount Hooghly
- Muckleford
- Muckleford South
- Murphys Creek
- Muskerry
- Myers Flat
- Myola
- Myrtle Creek
- Mysia
- Neereman
- Neilborough
- Newbridge
- Newbury
- Newham
- Newstead
- Nine Mile
- North Bendigo
- North Blackwood
- Nuggetty
- Nulla Vale
- Painswick
- Pastoria
- Pastoria East
- Pine Grove
- Pipers Creek
- Pompapiel
- Powlett Plains
- Prairie
- Pyalong
- Quarry Hill
- Ravenswood
- Ravenswood South
- Raywood
- Redcastle
- Redesdale
- Rheola
- Richmond Plains
- Riddell
- Rochester
- Rochford
- Runnymede
- Sailors Gully
- Salisbury West
- Sandon
- Sebastian
- Sedgwick
- Serpentine
- Shelbourne
- Sidonia
- Skinners Flat
- Slaty Creek
- Spring Gully
- Spring Hill
- Springfield
- St Arnaud East
- Strathdale
- Strathfieldsaye
- Sutton Grange
- Tandarra
- Tantaraboo
- Taradale
- Tarilta
- Tarnagulla
- Tarrengower
- Tennyson
- Tooborac
- Toolleen
- Trentham
- Trentham East
- Tylden
- Tylden South
- Vaughan
- Waanyarra
- Walmer
- Wanalta
- Wehla
- Wellsford
- White Hills
- Woodvale
- Yapeen
Greater Bendigo Region
Northern Victoria
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