What is the best age to learn public speaking?
Whether your child is just starting to string sentences together or is navigating the complexities of adolescence, now is the perfect time to encourage them to raise their voice and share their thoughts with the world
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Aquariums in Melbourne
Let your kids open their senses to a fantastic world under the sea! Melbourne Aquarium is the most popular aquarium open to the public in Melbourne. Step into a public aquarium and amaze your kids today!
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How kids yoga aids school readiness
This is the time of year when excited preschoolers and their families go to their ‘Big School’ orientations. Much of the year has been spent learning letters, numbers and alike. All this knowledge is a great foundation; however research shows us that focusing on socio-emotional skills is the best way to set kids up for success. This article outlines how yoga can help your child prepare for starting school.
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Kindy zoos for kids
Kids will go wild for these Kindy Zoos! Kindy Zoos are zoos where animals are typically smaller and easier to handle so that kindergarteners can have the most fun. Examples of kindy zoos include mobile farms and petting zoos. Pet a tiger cub or a kangaroo today!
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Libraries for Kids
Help your kids awaken to a whole new world of wonder through reading!<br><br>Give your kids a chance to explore wholecompletely new worlds through reading!
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How to motivate your child to learn a second language
Learning a second language is a fun exploration of another culture. Children learning a second language gain advantages in having better problem solving skills, improved language skills including their first language, and overall higher academic performance compared to their peers who are monolinguals. They would also enjoy better university and career opportunities.
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Wildlife Park for Kids
Your kids can get up close and personal with their favourite animals at a wildlife park!<br><br>There are numerous wildlife parks all around Australia and visiting a wildlife park can be a great outdoor adventure for the whole family!
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Astronomy clubs for kids
Discover how shooting stars work! Do your kids like stargazing? Do you often notice them watching the sky? Perhaps they can join astronomy clubs for kids!
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Animal Zoos for Kids
For fun, adventure and a chance to learn on the natural world, why not take your kids to an animal zoo? An animal zoo is a collection of animals from all over the world, often including rare or endangered species, gathered in one place for people to observe. Zoos have been around since biblical times and the first zoological garden to open in Australia was in Melbourne in 1862.
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YMCA for Kids in Perth
Enable your kids to reach their full potential. Introduce YMCA to them!<br><br>YMCA (Young Men’s Christian Association) is one of the community-based, non-profit Perth youth services that provide opportunities for everyone in the community to achieve physical, mental, and spiritual growth.
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Why your child should join the debating team
Your child may have the opportunity to join the debating team at their school at the start of the year. It’s important to be on top of the benefits of debating, to ensure your child makes an informed decision about joining the debating team.
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Chess for Kids
Let your child test their tactical thinking with chess - the ultimate game of strategy!<br><br>Many studies have discovered that playing chess at an early age does increase a child’s mental fortitude, and overall health.
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Collections For Kids
Encourage your kids to start collections out of the treasures they gather!<br><br>The passion for collecting is one of the activities for kids that they can take interest in.
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The importance of poetry in your child's life
World Poetry Day was hosted globally on Tuesday, 21 March and it’s a good opportunity to talk about the important role poetry plays in child development.
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Aquariums for Kids
If your kids need a bit of soothing without running the risk of boredom setting in, why not take them to the local aquarium? An aquarium is a transparent container filled with water which contains fish or other marine life for people to observe. Most public aquariums have a number of different tanks which house a wide range of species of fish and aquatic plants.
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Self Esteem and Confidence
In today’s world it is never too early to instill in them the power of a positive attitude and the importance of having self-confidence. Confidence is based on reality. It’s the steadfast knowledge that goes beyond simply “hoping for the best.” It ensures that one can confront a limiting belief — that’s the power of true confidence.
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Before & After School care for kids
Get additional early learning and care for your little ones! When home care is not enough, there is before and after school care for kids.
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