Early Learning Teachers & Tutors for Kids - the Townsville Region

Queensland (QLD)

Best match results for early learning teachers & tutors for kids in the Townsville Region + 5km.

    Education Early Learning Teachers & Tutors

    GymbaROO Townsville offers weekly 45 min classes for babies and children with their parent or carer from 6 weeks of age through to 5 years. GymbaROO sessions focus on the development of the child's brain through movement, massage, exercises and music. Open day on Saturday 16th January, 2016 from 9am till 3pm. Also will be offering children's parties in 2016. Read more

    Other related businesses in and around the Townsville Region

    C&K Koolkuna Community Kindergarten operates a Queensland Recognised Kindergarten Program for children in the year prior to starting Prep at school. Ages range from 3.5 years - 5 years. There are two classes that operate on a five day fortnight basis. • Located close to CBD in convenient South Townsville • Established gardens and beautiful shade trees make up the outdoor play environment • Good relationships with local schools and opportunity for children to visit school in preparation for transitions... Read more

    Education Early Learning Home Education

    Rowes Bay Preschool and Kindergarten is affiliated with C and K. The Kindergarten offers two options for children who turn four before June 30 in their year of enrolment. Group A attends Monday and Tuesday and every alternate Wednesday from 8:20 am to 2:30 pm. Group B attends Thursday and Friday from 8:15 am to 4:00 pm. The Kindergarten boasts a large outdoor play area with wooden climbing frame, swings and sandpit all under the shade of beautiful paper bark trees. The location allows for sweeping... Read more

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