Preschools for Kids
Give your child a head start on their education by enrolling them in preschool!
Preschools are educational facilities for 3-5 year olds. Designed to help prepare kids for school, they are also a chance for big toddlers to play and socialise and for parents to get a well-deserved break!

A video of Preschools for Kids
Information on Preschools for Kids
Are preschools an option for you and your kids?
Is your toddler in need of more stimulation? Is your 4-year old ready for school or do you feel they could benefit from a bit more preparation? Preschool might be the answer. Many Australian parents choose to send their child to preschool to help enhance their development, give them a chance to meet others and get involved in education and a range of activities for kids their age. It also prepares them for school.
The benefits of preschools are many and include:
- Prepares kids for school - Preschool programmes focus on teaching children appropriate classroom behaviour and pre-academic skills
- Stimulates kids - Provides children with the opportunity to get involved in a range of kids activities, including crafts, music, physical activities, learning games, cooking and much more
- Helps kids to socialise - Spending time around children their own age helps kids to learn social behaviour such as sharing, turn taking and co-operation
- Gives parents a break - Preschools can give parents the opportunity to work, spend time with their other children or just take some time for themselves
Preschools differ from day-care or nursery in that they generally run during school hours and term times and are usually staffed by specialised early childhood teachers. Most childcare centres catering to children aged 3-5 are legally required to have an educational preschool programme in place so no matter where your child goes, they will have access to many of the benefits of preschool.
Interested in enrolling your child in preschool? Get in early, as some have waiting lists of up to 2 years. It is a good idea to put your child’s name down at birth to be sure of a place.
Get your kids to a preschool!
Where are they? You can look in our ActiveActivities Directory to find the closest preschool in your area. All preschools are not created equal so make sure you visit a few to find the most suitable one for your child. Costs vary from around $30 a day to $100 plus and there are government rebates and concessions available to help working families with the costs.
Check whether lunch and/or morning and afternoon tea are provided. In addition to food, you will need to provide your child with a change of clothes and possibly a set of sheets depending on whether they are still having a daytime nap. The right preschool can open your child to a whole new world of fun, friends and learning!