Before & After School care for kids
Get additional early learning and care for your little ones! When home care is not enough, there is before and after school care for kids.
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Before & after school care in Sydney
Never worry about another out of school day, send your children to before and after school care centres in Sydney! Before and after school care in Sydney provides the solution for busy parents who are looking for occasional child care for school-age children in Australia.
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DIY Cube Bubbles
Bubbles are usually round, right? But they don't have to be! Spending quality time with my kids is the most important task of my week. But with all the other things I need to do, playing Barbie dolls or hide and go seeks seems a rip off of my time and let's just say it, it gets boring fast. Because my passion is all things sciencey, I naturally want to share my love of the exploration of life with them.
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Community centres
Have you ever taken your kids along to your local community centre? If not, check it out today - community organisations often run events and programmes at these venues which are low cost and designed to support the well being and enjoyment of families and their kids. Your kids can participate in lots of good causes as well as making friends and having a great time!
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