Youth Services for kids in the Great Ocean Rd
South Western Victoria, Victoria (VIC)
Best match results for youth services for kids in the Great Ocean Rd + 5km.
Youth Coach's & Instructors
Morning Activity Program for Kids - held each Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday mornings between 9.30am & 10.30am. The cost is $3.00 per child. Young Wolves Classes Tutoring Math/Literacy for Grades 5 & 6 held every Tuesday & Thursday afternoons from 4.00pm to 6.00pm (during School Terms). There is no charge, but bookings are essential. Read more
Youth Associations
All locations
South Western Victoria
Great Ocean Rd
- Aireys Inlet
- Allansford
- Allestree
- Alvie
- Anglesea
- Apollo Bay
- Ayrford
- Balintore
- Bambra
- Barongarook
- Barongarook West
- Barramunga
- Barunah Park
- Barunah Plains
- Barwon Downs
- Beeac
- Beech Forest
- Bells Beach
- Benwerrin
- Berrybank
- Bessiebelle
- Big Hill
- Birregurra
- Bolwarra
- Bookaar
- Boonah
- Boorcan
- Bostocks Creek
- Branxholme
- Breakaway Creek
- Broadwater
- Brucknell
- Buckley Swamp
- Bullaharre
- Bungador
- Byaduk
- Byaduk North
- Camperdown
- Cape Bridgewater
- Cape Otway
- Caramut
- Carlisle River
- Carpendeit
- Cashmore
- Chapple Vale
- Chocolyn
- Coast The Sands
- Cobden
- Cobrico
- Codrington
- Colac
- Colac East
- Colac West
- Condah
- Cooriemungle
- Coragulac
- Cororooke
- Corunnun
- Cowleys Creek
- Cressy
- Cudgee
- Cundare
- Cundare North
- Curdies River
- Curdievale
- Darlington
- Dartmoor
- Deans Marsh
- Digby
- Dixie
- Dreeite
- Dreeite South
- Drik Drik
- Drumborg
- Dundonnell
- Dutton Way
- Duverney
- Eastern View
- Ecklin South
- Elingamite
- Elingamite North
- Ellerslie
- Elliminyt
- Eurack
- Fairhaven
- Ferguson
- Forrest
- Foxhow
- Framlingham
- Framlingham East
- Garvoc
- Gazette
- Gellibrand
- Gellibrand Lower
- Gellibrand River
- Gerangamete
- Gerrigerrup
- Glenaire
- Glenfyne
- Glenormiston North
- Glenormiston South
- Gnotuk
- Gorae
- Gorae West
- Grassdale
- Greenwald
- Grey River
- Hawkesdale
- Heathmere
- Hesse
- Hexham
- Heytesbury Lower
- Heywood
- Homerton
- Hordern Vale
- Hotspur
- Irrewarra
- Irrewillipe
- Irrewillipe East
- Jancourt
- Jancourt East
- Johanna
- Kariah
- Kawarren
- Kennedys Creek
- Kennett River
- Knebsworth
- Koallah
- Kolora
- Laang
- Lake Condah
- Larpent
- Lavers Hill
- Leslie Manor
- Lorne
- Lyons
- Macarthur
- Mailors Flat
- Marengo
- Mepunga
- Mepunga East
- Mepunga West
- Milltown
- Minhamite
- Minjah
- Moggs Creek
- Mortlake
- Mount Napier
- Mount Richmond
- Mount Sabine
- Mumbannar
- Murroon
- Myamyn
- Nalangil
- Naringal
- Naringal East
- Naroghid
- Narrawong
- Nelson
- Newfield
- Nirranda
- Nirranda East
- Nirranda South
- Noorat
- Noorat East
- Nullawarre
- Nullawarre North
- Ombersley
- Ondit
- Paaratte
- Panmure
- Pennyroyal
- Penshurst
- Peterborough
- Petticoat Creek
- Pirron Yallock
- Point Roadknight
- Pomborneit
- Pomborneit East
- Pomborneit North
- Port Campbell
- Portland
- Portland North
- Portland West
- Princetown
- Pura Pura
- Purdeet
- Rosebrook
- Scotts Creek
- Separation Creek
- Simpson
- Skenes Creek
- Skenes Creek North
- Skibo
- South Purrumbete
- St Helens
- Stonyford
- Sugarloaf
- Swan Marsh
- Tabor
- Tandarook
- Tanybryn
- Taroon
- Terang
- Tesbury
- The Cove
- The Quay
- The Sisters
- Timboon
- Timboon West
- Toolong
- Torquay
- Tyrendarra
- Tyrendarra East
- Waarre
- Wallacedale
- Warncoort
- Warrabkook
- Warrion
- Wattle Hill
- Weeaproinah
- Weering
- Weerite
- Wensleydale
- Whoorel
- Winchelsea
- Winchelsea South
- Wingeel
- Winnap
- Wongarra
- Woodhouse
- Wool Wool
- Woolsthorpe
- Woorndoo
- Wurdiboluc
- Wye River
- Wyelangta
- Yambuk
- Yatchaw
- Yeo
- Yeodene
- Yuulong
Great Ocean Rd
South Western Victoria
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