Joeys For Kids
A great way for adventurous kids to make new friends while learning useful life skills!
Joeys is a scout group for children aged 6 and 7. Scouts are an institution in Australia and around the world and provide a great opportunity for kids to learn a broad range of skills and have fun in a safe environment!

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Is Joeys for your kid(s)?
Does your child think a Joey is just a baby kangaroo? The Joeys are also a junior branch of Scouts Australia, which aims to provide a variety of activities for kids aged 6 and 7. If your child loves the outdoors, likes adventure and has an inquisitive mind, he or she might love the Joeys. Joeys can form a great basis for lifelong involvement in the Scouts or it can be a fun after school activity in its own right. Other benefits include:
- Allows kids to be part of a community and get extra support
- Builds self confidence through working towards badges and achieving their goals
- Teaches kids values such as co-operation, sharing and helping others
- Gets kids outdoors into the fresh air
- Educational – teaches kids about nature and science as well as life skills
Is your child aged 6 or 7? If you are looking for something to do with him or her that provides a broad range of kids activities, Joeys might be just the thing! No matter what your kids are interested in there will probably be something to suit them and the Joeys’ educational programs may help with your child’s development. Joeys even have camps where kids can go and learn about the Australian bush and survival skills.
Joeys is quite structured so if your children are not fond of rules, they might find it a bit of a challenge. They will be expected to make a pledge or promise and abide by the ‘law’ laid down by the organisation. Joeys can be a great way to help kids learn about being part of a community and help guide them on their way to becoming productive members of society. Many schools these days are recommending children join the joeys or scouts groups. As the foundations and development opportunities of these organisations provide an atmosphere is which every child can benefit and prosper.
Get your kids to start Joeys!
If you are looking for more information about Joeys, why not start with a look at our Check out our ActiveActivities Directory ? Similar community based kids activities include the YMCA and Scouts for older children. Joeys is usually very affordable with only a small annual fee payable. Kids will need a uniform and camps and supplementary activities may cost extra. Send your kids bouncing off to Joeys!