- Cnr Majorca Rd and Warsaw Crs, Hackham West, SA 5163
- 2-5 km from Christies Beach
Community Activities for Kids - Christies Beach (5165)
Best match results for community activities for kids in Christies Beach + 5km.
- 16 Roberts Rd, Hackham West, SA 5163
- 2-5 km from Christies Beach
Hackham Scout Group has vacancies in their Joey scouts, Cub Scouts and Scout sections. Scouts develop young people through a range a fun, adventurous, inclusive and challenges outdoor activities. Scouting offers an all-inclusive award scheme allowing members to develop at their own pace through Outdoor Adventure Skills Badges and pursuing their own interests with Special Interest Area Badges. Joey Scouts 6.00pm - 7.00pm - Thursdays Cub Scouts 7.00pm - 8.30pm - Thursdays Scouts 6.30pm-8.30pm... Read more
- Collins Pde, Hackham East Primary School, Hackham, SA 5163
- 2-5 km from Christies Beach
Other related businesses in and around Christies Beach (within 20km)
A playgroup for the local community, with over 50 families as members. A great chance to get together with other families in the area. Fantastic facilities inside with a safe playground outside. The Old Cottage Playgroup is run by a dedicated group of volunteer mums and dads who attend the centre. Their passion, hard-work and dedication, ensures the centre remains open to benefit our community. Read more
The Legion of Frontiesmen, Australia Command Inc., is also known as Legion Cadets and is an independent cadet unit which caters for children aged 9 to 18. We offer Discipline with Fun Activities include: Search & Rescue Techniques Radio Communications Navigation Survival Skills Anzac Eve Youth Vigil/ Remembrance Day Services Community Activities Drill Rifle Drill Day Bivouacs First Aid Bush Craft Camps Hygiene Nutrition We currently have 4 locations in Adelaide: Fort Nyangao... Read more