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Community Activities for Kids - Glenorie (2157)

the Hills District, the Sydney Region, New South Wales (NSW)

Best match results for community activities for kids in Glenorie + 5km.

    We are the Galston Girl Guides. We have both Junior Guides (6-10 yrs) and Guides (11-14yrs) meetings on a Thursday evening during term time. Our hall is also available for hire at other times. Please e-mail us for enquiries. If you'd like to learn more about Girl Guide activities visit our website. Read more

    1st Dural Scouts caters for girls and boys from 6 - 18 Joeys 6 - 8 years old on Thursday night 6:00pm - 7:00pm Cubs 8 - 11 years old on Wednesday night 6:30pm - 8:00pm Scouts 11 - 15 years old on Tuesday night 7:00pm - 9:00pm Venturers 14 - 15 years old on Tuesday night 7:00pm - 9:00pm Read more

    Other related businesses in and around Glenorie (within 20km)

    At PCYC Hornsby we offer a variety of activities and programs during the school term and school holidays! Our term-based activities include basketball, netball, boxing, table tennis, parkour, trampoline and gymnastics - herein kindergym and juniorgym for our 2-5 year-olds, recreational classes and competitive levels classes in trampoline, artistic and rhythmic classes. From Thursday-Sunday we also offer birthday parties which include 1 hour of activities and 1 hour for food and drinks! During the... Read more

    CodingPro Education is committed to not just providing education by way of building knowledge. Our main goal is to instil passion for particular STEM Disciplines such as Coding, Robotics, Design, AR & VR, AI, and Drone Technology. We believe that the future is yours only if you can seize it. We also believe that all students, regardless of their choice of career, will require significant acquisition of knowledge and be able to practically demonstrate their skills in Technology. So, being able to... Read more

    Sydney Northwest Education Centre is your best choice. Chinese Program: Preschool Language Class, Language Proficiency Class, After School Language Class, Saturday Language Class, Traditional Chinese Class, Adult Chinese Class Maths Program: Primary Maths, Secondary Maths and HSC Maths. * Comprehensive Strength Curriculum * Creative Class Activities * Critical Thinking Training * Improve Overall IQ & EQ * PRIME Interactive Edition English Writing: Primary school writing & High school... Read more

    Community Scouts

    Hornsby Gang show is a group of dedicated Scouts and Guides from all over the Sydney North Region teaching the art of performing. Whether it be singing, dancing, comedy or skits the Scouts and Guides learn them all. Hornsby Gang Show has a wonderful support crew supporting our leaders and our Scouts and Guides Read more

    Normanhurst Eagles Football Club is one of the largest football clubs in north west Sydney with over 50 mini, junior and senior teams with more than 600 male and female players. Normo Eagles is a family friendly, community based club and we pride ourselves in providing opportunities for all grades and types of football players, from 5 years young to 50+ years young; from social players to elite standard; girls, boys, mixed, women and men. Focus on Girl's Football: Normanhurst Eagles first introduced... Read more

    ACTION PACKED SCHOOL HOLIDAY CAMPS FOR KIDS IN SCHOOL YRS K-12! CRU Camps is the largest provider of Christian holiday Camps in New South Wales. We run week-long, residential holiday camps for kids in Years 3 to 12 and non-residential day camps for kids in Years K-6 in every school holidays. Activities include sailing, dirt biking, skiing, canoeing, wake boarding, abseiling, go-karting, rock climbing, horse riding, HSC/IB Study Camps and much more! All camps, prices and details can be found... Read more

    Scouts develops Leadership, friendship and achievements. Are you in search of kids' activities that may promote your child's mental, social and physical development? How about the Scouts? The Scouts is an organisation founded in England in 1907 to teach boys survival skills and values including service to others, teamwork, leadership and comradeship. The first Australian Boy Scout camp was started in 1908 and now Scouts Australia is a national movement and community institution, which provides... Read more

    Welcome to the world of STEAM! Fun and educational, Our STEAM Workshops and Educational Resources are part of an educational program that helps children uncover the dynamic power and potential of STEAM subjects, making it a true and unique learning through play experience. The educational program covers STEAM topics, with large-scale construction providing children with an opportunity to learn and explore their creativity, participate in teamwork to enhance personal development, cooperation,... Read more

    Pymble Playgroup offers the convenience of a friendly, relaxed, all-weather environment for young children and their carers to connect, play & learn. It has been providing local children with a fun and secure environment to play and learn for almost 50 years. We welcome all children between birth and school age along with a parent or carer, to come and make connections and friendships in the community. At Pymble Playgroup, there is an emphasis on fun. There are toys inside and a large outdoor... Read more

    1st North Turramurra Scouts is a friendly, welcoming Scouts group which welcomes girls and boys. Scouts helps children develop into strong, resilient adults and valuable members of the community, and there are opportunities to develop leadership skills too. Join in the adventure and have fun with us! Children are welcome to come along for a few weeks to give it a try before joining. Please get in touch beforehand in case the group is meeting in a different location for an excursion. - Joey... Read more

    Mt Colah / Mt Ku-ring-gai Scout group is a very active Scout Group based in Mt Colah NSW We offer Cubs, Scouts, Venturers and Rovers as well as opportunities for leaders. We have a very full program of activities in all sections throughout the year. We have cubs (7-10yrs), Scouts (10 - 14yrs), Venturers (15 - 18yrs) and Rovers (18-26yrs) Read more

    Community Youth Support Services

    We support all families. Mums who are mixed-feeding, bottle-feeding, exclusively expressing, or not breastfeeding are always welcome. We chat in a relaxed setting, and there is often access to a breastfeeding counsellor or educator who can assist you with any breastfeeding questions, worries, or issues you may be having. What we offer The Hills Group meets on the 1st and 3rd Friday mornings of the month at Glenhaven Community Centre. However, we usually take a short break over the school holidays... Read more

    Empathy. Empowerment. Growth. Connection. These are the values that lie at the heart of Feel the Magic, our not-for-profit organisation that supports children and young adults who are grieving the loss of a parent, sibling or legal guardian. Our goal is to help our participants develop healthy strategies so that they can reach their full potential. Camp Magic, our three-day initiative run by trained volunteers, is Australia’s leading grief education and support program for children aged 7-17 years.... Read more

    1st Turramurra is one of the strongest and oldest Scout Groups on Sydney's North Shore, with an outstanding leader team and excellent facilities. The Group supports active programs for boys and girls aged from 8-10 (Cub Scouts), 11-14 (Scouts) through to young men and women 15-17 (Venturer Scouts) and 18-25 (Rovers). These sections undertake everything from weekly activity meetings and weekend camps to major expeditions and community service projects. Scouting aims to contribute to the development... Read more

    As a trusted NDIS provider in Sydney, our primary focus is assisting NDIS participants in achieving a fulfilling life on their own terms. We are dedicated to excellence, offering highly personalized support to enhance your independence. Our extensive range of support services is specifically crafted to promote the well-being of participants and expedite their journey towards achieving health goals. Read more

    Welcome to Easy M Care, your dedicated NDIS provider in NSW & ACT. At Easy M Care, were more than just a service provider; were a beacon of hope, a pillar of support, and a partner in progress for the NDIS community in NSW & ACT. Established with a clear vision, our commitment lies in empowering the differently-abled to live vibrant, independent, and fulfilling lives. Our journey began with a simple yet profound vision: to bridge the gap between needs and services, ensuring every NDIS participant... Read more

    Sydney Art School is Australia's leading school for the Visual Arts. With studio locations in Hornsby, Baulkham Hills and Epping we serve clients from across Sydney's Northern, North West and Western suburbs. Students receive a mix of classical and contemporary training with a strong focus on skills. Our programs are carefully structured to develop both artistic and cognitive skills in an engaging format. We cater for students from school age through to tertiary levels as well as part time... Read more

    MAAC Kids Club, Follow the Clues School Holiday Program is on Wednesday 5 July and Thursday 6 July from 9.30am to 4pm at Macquarie Park. Wanted “School Kids K to 3” to help solve a mystery about the man who defeated death in a fun, action-packed Holiday Club program. Assist the forensic experts, Detective Duck and Constable Clooney, as they follow the clues and uncover the mystery using drama, craft and sport, while learning stories and songs from the Bible. Don’t miss out! View the program... Read more

    West Pymble Scout Group has been operating for over 60 years, offering challenge, adventure, new skills, friendships, and fun to the young people of West Pymble and surrounding areas. Open to both girls and boys, the West Pymble Group consists of Cubs (ages 8-11), Scouts (ages 12-14), and Venturers (ages 15-18). Members can then progress in Scouting by joining Rovers (ages 18-25) at several nearby Groups. With a dedicated team of volunteer Leaders and excellent facilities, West Pymble Scout... Read more

    Community Girl Guides

    Our Mission is to enable girls and young women in the Quakers Hill, Woodcroft and Doonside local area to grow into confident, self respecting, responsible community members. Quakers Hill Girl Guides currently has units in Junior Guides (7-10yo) and Guides (10-13yo). We are always ready to welcome new girls to join us... Read more

    The Girls' Brigade NSW is a vibrant community providing activities for girls of all ages. Girls’ Brigade is a relationship building, achievement based program which has been developed especially for girls, incorporating physical, social, educational and spiritual aspects. In NSW our administrative, training and resource centre, known as Brigade House, is situated in Toongabbie. We have 38 Companies located around NSW with each Company providing a varied and exciting program to challenge girls of... Read more

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