Community Activities for Kids - the Upper Hunter Valley
Best match results for community activities for kids in the Upper Hunter Valley + 5km.
1st Branxton-Greta Scouts welcomes children and young people from Kindy through to Year 12. We offer a safe and supportive environment where your child will enjoy fun, youth development activites, build resilience and confidence, make new friends, learn life skills and embark on new & exciting adventures! Scouting is open to all - YES girls can join Scouts Meeting Times Joeys 5-8 Yrs - Tues 6-7.30pm Cubs 8-11 Yrs - Tues 6-7.30pm Scouts 11-15 Yrs - Tue 6-7:30pm We also welcome adult volunteer... Read more
Other related businesses in and around the Upper Hunter Valley
Valentine Hydrotherapy Pools is a community swimming pool and hydrotherapy provider in Croudace Bay. As a not-for-profit charity organisation, we run mainly on the kind-heartedness of our wonderful volunteers. You can come in to swim/walk laps in our 25m pool or hire our 15m or 25m pool for a private party or take part in a swimming lesson or aqua fitness class held by the Valentine Swim School. We also have a hydrotherapy pool facility for people with a disability, the elderly and injured to use. Our... Read more
Active Kids Rebate provider
Active Kids Rebate provider, for more information visit Scouts NSW website / Active Kids page and Service NSW / Active kids