Girls' Brigades - Victoria (VIC)

Best match results for girls' brigades in Victoria.

    Girls' Brigade Victoria seeks to develop tomorrow's leaders today, with a vibrant enthusiasm to "seek, serve and follow Christ." The Girls' Brigade operates internationally in conjunction with many Christian Churches of all denominations and seeks to develop girls and young women in life and leadership skills and team work, whilst developing meaningful and supportive relationships, within a fun, safe and secure environment. Most importantly, it aims to build girls and young women up in their... Read more

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    3 weeks free trial

    We offer three weeks free, for you and your girl to trial Girl Guides. Girl Guides Australia is one of the largest organisations in Australia for girls and young women. It provides leadership and personal skills development to its 30,000 members, including 22,000 youth members. Girl Guides Australia is one of the 26 founder member countries of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, founded in 1928. With ten million Girl Guides and Girl Scouts from 145 countries across the world, the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts is the largest voluntary movement dedicated to girls and young women in the world. The World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts supports girls and young women to develop their full potential as responsible citizens of the world by focusing on leadership development and active citizenship. This is delivered through innovative global education and community and advocacy programmes. We deliver a well-established, unique values-based approach to non-formal learning that is international and intergenerational. Girls and young women develop life skills through self-development, challenge and adventure. The World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts owns and operates Four World Centres located in England, Switzerland, Mexico and India. Girl Guides and Girl Scouts visit to participate in events, trainings, conferences and often return many times for a unique international experience. Girl Guides Australia has its own Friends of the World Centres group, which you can join. See here for more info on membership and fees. You will receive four newsletters per year, filled with the latest news from the World Centres, as well as program and fundraising ideas. Your financial contribution is also helping the World Centres to provide life changing international experiences to everyone who visits.

    Girl Guides provide a non-formal education program that engages girls in fun and energetic activities. Guides learn about themselves as they identify, plan and complete challenges, whilst having fun, making friends & enjoying the outdoors. Young girls today have much to offer and we provide the ideal platform for girls to develop a sense of community, social justice and strong values. Our core program is designed to develop leadership skills and opportunities for girls and young women aged 5 -... Read more

    Girl Guides is a world-wide organisation, founded over 100 years ago. Members participate in designing their own program within a framework, so their program is always varied, exciting and relevant! Recent activities include camping, kayaking, leadership skills development, body-confidence activities and advocacy skills development, to name just a few. Get in touch now to secure your spot for the new school term! With age-based groups for girls from aged 5 to 18, our mission is to empower girls... Read more

    Welcome to Boroondara District Girl Guides! Come and try for up to 3 weeks for free!! Girl Guides is all about making new friends, trying new things, and having heaps of fun! Girl Guides helps girls to develop leadership, teamwork, and life skills in a fun and supportive environment. We do all sorts of activities including arts and crafts, cooking, community service, performing arts, having fun out of doors, camping, science and technology. But the best thing is that the girls get to have a say... Read more

    Girl Guides, units in North Fitzroy (age 11-16) and Clifton Hill (age 7-10). Fun and educational activities for girls, fun and meaningful volunteer work for adult women. See our website Read more

    Come and try for free!

    Because every week at Guides is different, we welcome girls "coming to try" for up to three weeks before you need to decide if you would like to join - for free!

    Burnet Park camp is a small boutique campsite just north of Traralgon. It has a bunkhouse which sleeps 20, with kitchen and dinning area. There is also outdoor facilities for tent camping. We have a camp kitchen with power, water, wood hot water system, fridge, also tents and BBQ are available for outdoor campers. Available activities include archery, slack lines, initiative activities sports and games. the camp is available to Girl Guides, Scouts and community groups. Read more

    Darebin Girl Guides has units in Reservoir and Thornbury catering for Brownies (ages 7-10), Girl Guides (ages 10-13), Rangers (14 - 17) and Olaves (ages 18-30). Girl Guides is about the adventure! Read more

    Community Girl Guides

    Bendigo District Girl guides 5-17 years. Units located in Atkins street Bendigo North/Bond st Golden Square & Strathfieldsaye Read more

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